This script is to assess the impact of combining technical replicates: taking the average of the log2(CPM) of the technical replicates or taking the sum of the technical replicates prior to normalization.

# Load libraries

## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.2.4
## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.2.5
## Warning: package 'edgeR' was built under R version 3.2.4
## Loading required package: limma
## Warning: package 'limma' was built under R version 3.2.4

# Load colors
pal <- c(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"), brewer.pal(8, "Set2"), brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))

# Load cpm data 

cpm_cyclicloess <- read.table("~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/cpm_cyclicloess.txt")

## [1] 10304    63
# Load count data 

gene_counts_combined_raw_data <- read.delim("~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/gene_counts_combined.txt")
counts_genes <- gene_counts_combined_raw_data[1:30030,2:65]
rownames(counts_genes) <- gene_counts_combined_raw_data[1:30030,1]

Method #1: When 2 technical replicates, take the average log2(CPM)

# Take the mean of the technical replicates when available

  # Day 0 technical replicates
D0_28815 <-[,5:6], 1, mean))
D0_3647 <-[,8:9], 1, mean))
D0_3649 <-[,10:11], 1, mean))
D0_40300 <-[,12:13], 1, mean))
D0_4955 <-[,14:15], 1, mean))
  # Day 1 technical replicates
D1_20157 <-[,16:17], 1, mean))
D1_28815 <-[,21:22], 1, mean))
D1_3647 <-[,24:25], 1, mean))
D1_3649 <-[,26:27], 1, mean))
D1_40300 <-[,28:29], 1, mean))
D1_4955 <-[,30:31], 1, mean))
  # Day 2 technical replicates
D2_20157 <-[,32:33], 1, mean))
D2_28815 <-[,37:38], 1, mean))
D2_3647 <-[,40:41], 1, mean))
D2_3649 <-[,42:43], 1, mean))
D2_40300 <-[,44:45], 1, mean))
D2_4955 <-[,46:47], 1, mean))
  # Day 3 technical replicates
D3_20157 <-[,48:49], 1, mean))
D3_28815 <-[,53:54], 1, mean))
D3_3647 <-[,56:57], 1, mean))
D3_3649 <-[,58:59], 1, mean))
D3_40300 <-[,60:61], 1, mean))
D3_4955 <-[,62:63], 1, mean))

# Create a new data frame with all of the combined technical replicates
mean_tech_reps <- cbind(cpm_cyclicloess[,1:4], D0_28815, cpm_cyclicloess[,7], D0_3647, D0_3649, D0_40300, D0_4955, D1_20157, cpm_cyclicloess[,18:20], D1_28815, cpm_cyclicloess[,23], D1_3647, D1_3649, D1_40300, D1_4955, D2_20157, cpm_cyclicloess[,34:36], D2_28815, cpm_cyclicloess[,39], D2_3647, D2_3649, D2_40300, D2_4955, D3_20157, cpm_cyclicloess[,50:52], D3_28815, cpm_cyclicloess[,55], D3_3647, D3_3649, D3_40300, D3_4955)

colnames(mean_tech_reps) <- c("D0_20157", "D0_20961", "D0_21792", "D0_28162", "D0_28815", "D0_29089", "D0_3647", "D0_3649", "D0_40300", "D0_4955", "D1_20157", "D1_20961", "D1_21792", "D1_28162", "D1_28815", "D1_29089", "D1_3647", "D1_3649", "D1_40300", "D1_4955", "D2_20157", "D2_20961", "D2_21792", "D2_28162", "D2_28815", "D2_29089", "D2_3647", "D2_3649", "D2_40300", "D2_4955", "D3_20157", "D3_20961", "D3_21792", "D3_28162", "D3_28815", "D3_29089", "D3_3647", "D3_3649", "D3_40300", "D3_4955")

[1] 10304    40
# Make a column for which are averaged or not

# Find the technical factors for the biological replicates (no technical replicates)

bio_rep_samplefactors <- read.delim("~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/samplefactors-filtered.txt", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
day <- bio_rep_samplefactors$Day
species <- bio_rep_samplefactors$Species

# Setup matrix
mean_tech_reps_matrix <- as.matrix(mean_tech_reps, nrow=10304, ncol = 40)

mean_tech_reps_matrix[1:10304,1:40] = as.numeric(as.character(mean_tech_reps_matrix[1:10304,1:40]))
colnames(mean_tech_reps_matrix) <- colnames(mean_tech_reps)
rownames(mean_tech_reps_matrix) <- rownames(mean_tech_reps)

#write.table(mean_tech_reps_matrix, "~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/cpm_cyclicloess_40.txt", sep="\t")

# Make PCA plots with the factors colored by day

cpm_cyclicloess_40 <- read.delim("~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/cpm_cyclicloess_40.txt")

pca_genes <- prcomp(t(cpm_cyclicloess_40), scale = T, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE)

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)

summary <- summary(pca_genes)

averaged_status <- c(1,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3)

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=as.factor(day), shape=as.factor(averaged_status), size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(day))) +  scale_colour_manual(name="Day",  
                      values = c("0"=rgb(239/255, 110/255, 99/255, 1), "1"= rgb(0/255, 180/255, 81/255, 1), "2"=rgb(0/255, 177/255, 219/255, 1),
                                 "3"=rgb(199/255, 124/255, 255/255,1))) + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100),"% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100),"% of variance)")) + scale_size(guide = 'none')  + theme_bw()  + ggtitle("PCs 1 and 2 normalized expression with averaged technical replicates (40 samples)") + scale_shape_discrete(name  ="Replicate status", labels = c("Human Single" ,"Human Averaged", "Chimp Averaged")) 


Method 2: When 2 technical replicates, sum the gene counts and then normalize all data together

# Find the technical factors for the biological replicates (no technical replicates)

bio_rep_samplefactors <- read.delim("~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/samplefactors-filtered.txt", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
day <- bio_rep_samplefactors$Day
species <- bio_rep_samplefactors$Species

# Remove D0_28815 outlier

counts_genes63 <- counts_genes[,-2]
[1] 30030    63
# Sum gene counts of technical replicates

D0_28815_pre <-[,5:6], 1, sum))
D0_3647_pre <-[,8:9], 1, sum))
D0_3649_pre <-[,10:11], 1, sum))
D0_40300_pre <-[,12:13], 1, sum))
D0_4955_pre <-[,14:15], 1, sum))
  # Day 1 technical replicates
D1_20157_pre <-[,16:17], 1, sum))
D1_28815_pre <-[,21:22], 1, sum))
D1_3647_pre <-[,24:25], 1, sum))
D1_3649_pre <-[,26:27], 1, sum))
D1_40300_pre <-[,28:29], 1, sum))
D1_4955_pre <-[,30:31], 1, sum))
  # Day 2 technical replicates
D2_20157_pre <-[,32:33], 1, sum))
D2_28815_pre <-[,37:38], 1, sum))
D2_3647_pre <-[,40:41], 1, sum))
D2_3649_pre <-[,42:43], 1, sum))
D2_40300_pre <-[,44:45], 1, sum))
D2_4955_pre <-[,46:47], 1, sum))
  # Day 3 technical replicates
D3_20157_pre <-[,48:49], 1, sum))
D3_28815_pre <-[,53:54], 1, sum))
D3_3647_pre <-[,56:57], 1, sum))
D3_3649_pre <-[,58:59], 1, sum))
D3_40300_pre <-[,60:61], 1, sum))
D3_4955_pre <-[,62:63], 1, sum))

# Create a new data frame with all of the combined technical replicates
mean_tech_reps_pre <- cbind(counts_genes63[,1:4], D0_28815_pre, counts_genes63[,7], D0_3647_pre, D0_3649_pre, D0_40300_pre, D0_4955_pre, D1_20157_pre, counts_genes63[,18:20], D1_28815_pre, counts_genes63[,23], D1_3647_pre, D1_3649_pre, D1_40300_pre, D1_4955_pre, D2_20157_pre, counts_genes63[,34:36], D2_28815_pre, counts_genes63[,39], D2_3647_pre, D2_3649_pre, D2_40300_pre, D2_4955_pre, D3_20157_pre, counts_genes63[,50:52], D3_28815_pre, counts_genes63[,55], D3_3647_pre, D3_3649_pre, D3_40300_pre, D3_4955_pre)

colnames(mean_tech_reps_pre) <- c("D0_20157", "D0_20961", "D0_21792", "D0_28162", "D0_28815", "D0_29089", "D0_3647", "D0_3649", "D0_40300", "D0_4955", "D1_20157", "D1_20961", "D1_21792", "D1_28162", "D1_28815", "D1_29089", "D1_3647", "D1_3649", "D1_40300", "D1_4955", "D2_20157", "D2_20961", "D2_21792", "D2_28162", "D2_28815", "D2_29089", "D2_3647", "D2_3649", "D2_40300", "D2_4955", "D3_20157", "D3_20961", "D3_21792", "D3_28162", "D3_28815", "D3_29089", "D3_3647", "D3_3649", "D3_40300", "D3_4955")

[1] 30030    40
# Log2(CPM)

cpm <- cpm(mean_tech_reps_pre, log=TRUE)

# Make plot 
hist(cpm, main = "log2(CPM) values in unfiltered data (n = 63 samples)", breaks = 100, ylim = c(0, 50000), xlab = "log2(CPM) values")
abline(v = 1.5, col = "red", lwd = 3)

# Filter lowly expressed genes

humans <- c(1:6, 11:16, 21:26, 31:36)
chimps <- c(7:10, 17:20, 27:30, 37:40)

cpm_filtered <- (rowSums(cpm[,humans] > 1.5) > 10 & rowSums(cpm[,chimps] > 1.5) > 10)

genes_in_cutoff_pre <- cpm[cpm_filtered==TRUE,]
[1] 10174    40

Using a cutoff of log2(CPM) > 1.5 in at least half of the human and half of the chimpanzee samples, 10,179 genes remain. In order to compare the two methods, we will use the 10,304 genes from all other analyses.

# Get the gene counts for the 10,304 genes

inshared_lists = row.names(mean_tech_reps_pre) %in% rownames(mean_tech_reps)
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(mean_tech_reps_pre, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:40]

# Take the TMM of the counts only for the genes that remain after filtering

  # Make day-species labels
labels_pre <- c("human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2",  "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "chimp 3",  "chimp 3",  "chimp 3",  "chimp 3")

dge_in_cutoff_pre <- DGEList(counts=as.matrix(counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre), genes=rownames(counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre), group = as.character(t(labels_pre)))
dge_in_cutoff_pre <- calcNormFactors(dge_in_cutoff_pre)

# Find the cpm

cpm_in_cutoff_pre <- cpm(dge_in_cutoff_pre, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE, log=TRUE)

# Use voom to perform a cyclic loess normalization

  # Make the design matrix
condition <- factor(paste(species,day,sep="."))
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + condition)
colnames(design) <- gsub("condition", "", dput(colnames(design)))
c("conditionC.0", "conditionC.1", "conditionC.2", "conditionC.3", 
"conditionH.0", "conditionH.1", "conditionH.2", "conditionH.3"
cpm.voom <- voom(dge_in_cutoff_pre, design, plot = TRUE, normalize.method="cyclicloess")

cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess <- cpm.voom$E

# Plot of cpm values

hist(cpm_in_cutoff_pre, xlab = "Log2(CPM)", main = "Log2(CPM) values for genes meeting the filtering criteria", breaks = 100 )

plotDensities(cpm_in_cutoff_pre, col=pal[as.factor(species)])

plotDensities(cpm_in_cutoff_pre, col=pal[as.numeric(day)])

write.table(cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess, file="~/Desktop/Endoderm_TC/ashlar-trial/data/cpm_cyclicloess_40_pre_norm.txt",sep="\t", col.names = T, row.names = T) 

# Examine PCs
pca_genes <- prcomp(t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess), scale = T, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE)

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)

summary <- summary(pca_genes)

averaged_status <- c(1,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,3,3)

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=as.factor(day), shape=as.factor(averaged_status), size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(day))) +  scale_colour_manual(name="Day",  
                      values = c("0"=rgb(239/255, 110/255, 99/255, 1), "1"= rgb(0/255, 180/255, 81/255, 1), "2"=rgb(0/255, 177/255, 219/255, 1),
                                 "3"=rgb(199/255, 124/255, 255/255,1))) + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100),"% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100),"% of variance)")) + scale_size(guide = 'none')  + theme_bw()  + ggtitle("PCs 1 and 2 normalized expression with technical replicates summed prior to normalization (n=40)") + scale_shape_discrete(name  ="Replicate status", labels = c("Human Single" ,"Human Averaged", "Chimp Averaged")) 

Compare the two methods

# Calculate the Pearson's correlation for each sample

Cor_values = matrix(data = NA, nrow = 40, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c("human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "human 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "chimp 0", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "human 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "chimp 1", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2", "human 2",  "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "chimp 2", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "human 3", "chimp 3",  "chimp 3",  "chimp 3",  "chimp 3"), c("Pearson's correlation")))

for (i in 1:40){
  Cor_values[i,1] <- cor(mean_tech_reps[,i], cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess[,i])

 Pearson's correlation
 Min.   :0.9954       
 1st Qu.:0.9989       
 Median :0.9996       
 Mean   :0.9991       
 3rd Qu.:0.9999       
 Max.   :1.0000       
# Day 0 Chimp 3947
plot(mean_tech_reps[,7], cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess[,7], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 0, Chimp Line 3947)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's r = 0.9965"
text(0, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,7], cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess[,7])
[1] 0.9965309
# Day 0 Chimp 3949
plot(mean_tech_reps[,8], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,8], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 0, Chimp Line 3949)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9979"
text(0, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,8], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,8])
[1] 0.9979774
# Day 0 Chimp 40300

plot(mean_tech_reps[,9], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,9], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 0, Chimp Line 40300)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9989"
text(0, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,9], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,9])
[1] 0.9987857
# Day 0 Chimp 4955

plot(mean_tech_reps[,10], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,10], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 0, Chimp Line 4955)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9970"
text(0, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,10], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,10])
[1] 0.9971299
# Day 1 Chimp 3947

plot(mean_tech_reps[,17], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,17], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Chimp Line 3947)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9994"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,17], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,17])
[1] 0.9992265
# Day 1 Chimp 3949

plot(mean_tech_reps[,18], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,18], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Chimp Line 3949)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9996"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,18], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,18])
[1] 0.9994921
# Day 1 Chimp 40300

plot(mean_tech_reps[,19], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,19], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Chimp Line 40300)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9979"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,19], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,19])
[1] 0.9979052
# Day 1 Chimp 4955

plot(mean_tech_reps[,20], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,20], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Chimp Line 4955)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9961"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,20], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,20])
[1] 0.9960728
# Day 2 Chimp 3947

plot(mean_tech_reps[,27], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,27], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Chimp Line 3947)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9992"
text(3, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,27], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,27])
[1] 0.9991663
# Day 2 Chimp 3949

plot(mean_tech_reps[,28], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,28], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Chimp Line 3949)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9988"
text(3, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,28], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,28])
[1] 0.998994
# Day 2 Chimp 40300

plot(mean_tech_reps[,29], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,29], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Chimp Line 40300)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9992"
text(3, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,29], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,29])
[1] 0.9991052
# Day 2 Chimp 4955

plot(mean_tech_reps[,30], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,30], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Chimp Line 4955)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9970"
text(3, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,30], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,30])
[1] 0.997065
# Day 3 Chimp 3947

plot(mean_tech_reps[,37], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,37], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Chimp Line 3947)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9976"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,37], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,37])
[1] 0.9975502
# Day 3 Chimp 3949

plot(mean_tech_reps[,38], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,38], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Chimp Line 3949)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9940"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,38], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,38])
[1] 0.9953473
# Day 3 Chimp 40300

plot(mean_tech_reps[,39], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,39], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Chimp Line 40300)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9991"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,39], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,39])
[1] 0.998971
# Day 3 Chimp 4955

plot(mean_tech_reps[,40], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,40], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Chimp Line 4955)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9989"
text(2, 12, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,40], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,40])
[1] 0.9986006
# Day 0 Human 28815
plot(mean_tech_reps[,5], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,5], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 0, Human Line 28815)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9997"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,5], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,5])
[1] 0.9995542
# Day 1 Human 20157

plot(mean_tech_reps[,11], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,11], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Human Line 20157)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9998"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,11], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,11])
[1] 0.9998264
# Day 1 Human 28815

plot(mean_tech_reps[,15], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,15], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 1, Human Line 28815)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9999"
text(-1, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,15], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,15])
[1] 0.9998606
# Day 2 Human 20157

plot(mean_tech_reps[,21], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,21], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Human Line 20157)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9996"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,21], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,21])
[1] 0.9993741
# Day 2 Human 28815

plot(mean_tech_reps[,25], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,25], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 2, Human Line 28815)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9988"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,25], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,25])
[1] 0.998588
# Day 3 Human 20157

plot(mean_tech_reps[,31], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,31], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Human Line 20157)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.9991"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,31], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,31])
[1] 0.9989673
# Day 3 Human 28815

plot(mean_tech_reps[,36], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,36], ylab = "Method 1: avg. log2(CPM)", xlab = "Method 2: sum counts then normalize", main = "Combining tech. rep. (Day 3, Human Line 28815)")
abline(0,1, col = "red")
var <- "Pearson's correlation = 0.99999"
text(0, 10, var, pos = 1)

cor(mean_tech_reps[,36], cpm_in_cutoff_pre[,36])
[1] 0.9992846

Testing for robustness of the main results in the analysis of variance section

# Reduction Day 0 to 1 chimps
chimp_var_pval <- array(NA, dim = c(10304, 1))

for(i in 1:10304){
    x <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess[i,7:10])
    y <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre_cyclic_loess[i,17:20])
    htest <- var.test(x, y, alternative = c("greater"))
    chimp_var_pval[i,1] <- htest$p.value
rownames(chimp_var_pval) <- rownames(mean_tech_reps)
length(which(chimp_var_pval < 0.05))
[1] 677
chimp_red_01 <-[which(chimp_var_pval < 0.05), ])
[1] 677   1
# Reduction Day 0 to 1 humans
human_var_pval <- array(NA, dim = c(10304, 1))

for(i in 1:10304){
    x <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,1:6])
    y <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,11:16])
    htest <- var.test(x, y, alternative = c("greater"))
    human_var_pval[i,1] <- htest$p.value
rownames(human_var_pval) <- rownames(mean_tech_reps)
length(which(human_var_pval < 0.05))
[1] 2257
human_red_01 <-[which(human_var_pval < 0.05), ])
[1] 2257    1
# Increase Day 1 to 2 chimps

chimp_var_pval <- array(NA, dim = c(10304, 1))
for(i in 1:10304){
    x <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,17:20])
    y <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,27:30])
    htest <- var.test(x, y, alternative = c("less"))
    chimp_var_pval[i,1] <- htest$p.value
rownames(chimp_var_pval) <- rownames(mean_tech_reps)
length(which(chimp_var_pval < 0.05))
[1] 439
chimp_inc_12 <-[which(chimp_var_pval < 0.05), ])
[1] 439   1
# Increase Day 1 to 2 humans
human_var_pval <- array(NA, dim = c(10304, 1))

for(i in 1:10304){
    x <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,11:16])
    y <- t(cpm_in_cutoff_pre[i,21:26])
    htest <- var.test(x, y, alternative = c("less"))
    human_var_pval[i,1] <- htest$p.value
rownames(human_var_pval) <- rownames(mean_tech_reps)
length(which(human_var_pval < 0.05))
[1] 1888
human_inc_12 <-[which(human_var_pval < 0.05), ])
[1] 1888    1

Conclusion: The number of significant genes is approximately the same as the main results in the analysis of variance section.