The goal of this script is to compare the conserved tissue specific data with the tissue’s ranking in the GTEx data v6 data.

# Import GTEx data

gtex_data <- read.csv("../data/GTEx_genes_tissues.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Find which genes are in both datasets

cpm_12184 <- read.delim("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/cpm_12184.txt")

# Tissue up/downreg
heart_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_upreg_heart_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
heart_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_downreg_heart_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

kidney_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_upreg_kidney_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
kidney_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_downreg_kidney_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

liver_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_upreg_liver_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
liver_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_downreg_liver_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

lung_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_upreg_lung_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lung_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/specific_downreg_lung_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Overlap between GTEx and our dataset

summary(rownames(cpm_12184) %in% gtex_data$ENSG)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     407   11777

11,777 genes are in both datasets.

Upregulated in heart only

# Subset 
summary(heart_upreg_data$x %in% gtex_data$ENSG)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      14     354
inshared_lists = gtex_data$ENSG %in% heart_upreg_data$x
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(gtex_data, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:7]

# Is the heart the highest?

upreg_heart_ranking <- data.frame(counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], t(apply(-counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], 1, rank, ties.method='min')))

##   [1] 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1
##  [36] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
##  [71] 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## [106] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
## [141] 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2
## [176] 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## [211] 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
## [246] 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 2
## [281] 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1
## [316] 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## [351] 1 1 1 1

Downregulated in heart only

# Subset 
summary(heart_downreg_data$x %in% gtex_data$ENSG)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical       2     112
inshared_lists = gtex_data$ENSG %in% heart_downreg_data$x
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(gtex_data, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:7]

# Is the heart the lowest?

downreg_heart_ranking <- data.frame(counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], t(apply(-counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], 1, rank, ties.method='min')))

##   [1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
##  [36] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
##  [71] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
## [106] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Function for up/downregulation

ranking_in_gtex <- function(tissue_name){
# Subset 
summary(tissue_name %in% gtex_data$ENSG)

inshared_lists = gtex_data$ENSG %in% tissue_name
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(gtex_data, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:7]

# Is the heart the highest?

upreg_heart_ranking <- data.frame(counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], t(apply(-counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,4:7], 1, rank, ties.method='min')))


upreg_heart_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(heart_upreg_data$x)[,5]
downreg_heart_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(heart_downreg_data$x)[,5]

upreg_kidney_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(kidney_upreg_data$x)[,6]
downreg_kidney_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(kidney_downreg_data$x)[,6]

upreg_liver_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(liver_upreg_data$x)[,7]
downreg_liver_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(liver_downreg_data$x)[,7]

upreg_lung_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(lung_upreg_data$x)[,8]
downreg_lung_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(lung_downreg_data$x)[,8]

Ranking in our data

# Heart
upreg_heart_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_heart_ranking), 1))

heart_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_heart_num, upreg_heart_ranking)

downreg_heart_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_heart_ranking), 1))

heart_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_heart_num, downreg_heart_ranking)

# Kidney
upreg_kidney_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_kidney_ranking), 1))

kidney_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_kidney_num, upreg_kidney_ranking)

downreg_kidney_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_kidney_ranking), 1))

kidney_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_kidney_num, downreg_kidney_ranking)

# Liver
upreg_liver_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_liver_ranking), 1))

liver_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_liver_num, upreg_liver_ranking)

downreg_liver_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_liver_ranking), 1))

liver_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_liver_num, downreg_liver_ranking)

# Lung
upreg_lung_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_lung_ranking), 1))

lung_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_lung_num, upreg_lung_ranking)

downreg_lung_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_lung_ranking), 1))

lung_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_lung_num, downreg_lung_ranking)

tissue_cor <- rbind(heart_cor1, heart_cor2, kidney_cor1, kidney_cor2, liver_cor1, liver_cor2, lung_cor1, lung_cor2)

# Get the correlation between tissues
cor(tissue_cor[,1], tissue_cor[,2])
## [1] 0.9143294
# How many times does the ranking in our data match the ranking in GTEx?
summary(tissue_cor[,1] == tissue_cor[,2])
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     199    1540
## [1] 0.8855664

Run topGO on the heart data (suppplementary table)

# Load libraries

## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Loading required package: parallel
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
##     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colMeans,
##     colnames, colSums,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter,
##     Find, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply,
##     lengths, Map, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,
##, pmin,, Position, rank, rbind, Reduce,
##     rowMeans, rownames, rowSums, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
##     tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
## Loading required package: graph
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
## Loading required package: GO.db
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: IRanges
## Loading required package: S4Vectors
## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     expand.grid
## Loading required package: SparseM
## Attaching package: 'SparseM'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     backsolve
## groupGOTerms:    GOBPTerm, GOMFTerm, GOCCTerm environments built.
## Attaching package: 'topGO'
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     members
## Loading required package: DOSE
## DOSE v3.4.0  For help:
## If you use DOSE in published research, please cite:
## Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609
## clusterProfiler v3.6.0  For help:
## If you use clusterProfiler in published research, please cite:
## Guangchuang Yu., Li-Gen Wang, Yanyan Han, Qing-Yu He. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. 2012, 16(5):284-287.
# Combine the upregulated and downregulated tissues

combine_hearts <- rbind(heart_upreg_data, heart_downreg_data)
combine_kidneys <- rbind(kidney_upreg_data, kidney_downreg_data)
combine_livers <- rbind(liver_upreg_data, liver_downreg_data)
combine_lungs <- rbind(lung_upreg_data, lung_downreg_data)

# Matrix for which are in the test set

true_false <- rownames(cpm_12184) %in% combine_hearts$x
true_false <- as.numeric(true_false)

# Merge ENSG with true/false

test_gene <- as.vector(true_false)
names(test_gene) <- rownames(cpm_12184)

# Run topGO
go_data <- new("topGOdata",
                   ontology = "BP",
                   allGenes = test_gene, 
                    geneSel = function(allScore){
    return(allScore > 0.01)
                   nodeSize = 5,
                   annotationFun =,
                   mapping = "",
                   ID = "ensembl")
## Building most specific GOs .....
##  ( 10269 GO terms found. )
## Build GO DAG topology ..........
##  ( 14352 GO terms and 33417 relations. )
## Annotating nodes ...............
##  ( 10194 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
# Perform enrichment test
go_test <- runTest(go_data, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
##           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
##       the algorithm is scoring 4126 nontrivial nodes
##       parameters: 
##           test statistic: fisher
##   Level 19:  1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 18:  3 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 17:  4 nodes to be scored    (17 eliminated genes)
##   Level 16:  9 nodes to be scored    (23 eliminated genes)
##   Level 15:  28 nodes to be scored   (39 eliminated genes)
##   Level 14:  60 nodes to be scored   (142 eliminated genes)
##   Level 13:  118 nodes to be scored  (532 eliminated genes)
##   Level 12:  186 nodes to be scored  (1207 eliminated genes)
##   Level 11:  293 nodes to be scored  (2865 eliminated genes)
##   Level 10:  431 nodes to be scored  (3997 eliminated genes)
##   Level 9:   540 nodes to be scored  (5462 eliminated genes)
##   Level 8:   565 nodes to be scored  (6990 eliminated genes)
##   Level 7:   609 nodes to be scored  (8125 eliminated genes)
##   Level 6:   558 nodes to be scored  (8955 eliminated genes)
##   Level 5:   383 nodes to be scored  (9425 eliminated genes)
##   Level 4:   217 nodes to be scored  (9726 eliminated genes)
##   Level 3:   99 nodes to be scored   (9895 eliminated genes)
##   Level 2:   21 nodes to be scored   (9976 eliminated genes)
##   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (10069 eliminated genes)
go_table <- GenTable(go_data, weightFisher = go_test,
                         orderBy = "weightFisher", ranksOf = "weightFisher",
                         topNodes = sum(score(go_test) < .01))

##         GO.ID                                        Term Annotated
## 1  GO:0030049                     muscle filament sliding        23
## 2  GO:0045214                      sarcomere organization        27
## 3  GO:0060048                  cardiac muscle contraction        93
## 4  GO:0055010 ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morpho...        36
## 5  GO:0002026 regulation of the force of heart contrac...        23
## 6  GO:0071688 striated muscle myosin thick filament as...         8
## 7  GO:0010881 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction...        17
## 8  GO:0002027                    regulation of heart rate        59
## 9  GO:0086064 cell communication by electrical couplin...        16
## 10 GO:0055003                  cardiac myofibril assembly        14
## 11 GO:1903779            regulation of cardiac conduction        46
## 12 GO:0086012 membrane depolarization during cardiac m...        12
## 13 GO:0086091 regulation of heart rate by cardiac cond...        21
## 14 GO:0030240      skeletal muscle thin filament assembly         5
## 15 GO:0035994                  response to muscle stretch        16
## 16 GO:0006942 regulation of striated muscle contractio...        61
## 17 GO:0006937            regulation of muscle contraction        94
## 18 GO:0048739            cardiac muscle fiber development         7
## 19 GO:0006941                 striated muscle contraction       113
## 20 GO:0010460           positive regulation of heart rate        14
## 21 GO:0007512                     adult heart development         8
## 22 GO:0003009                 skeletal muscle contraction        20
## 23 GO:1903115 regulation of actin filament-based movem...        30
## 24 GO:0055008         cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis        45
## 25 GO:0014733    regulation of skeletal muscle adaptation         9
## 26 GO:0003300                  cardiac muscle hypertrophy        57
## 27 GO:0071313               cellular response to caffeine         5
## 28 GO:0007519          skeletal muscle tissue development        95
## 29 GO:0032780      negative regulation of ATPase activity        11
## 30 GO:0008016             regulation of heart contraction       139
## 31 GO:0086019 cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac ...        18
## 32 GO:0055075                   potassium ion homeostasis         7
## 33 GO:0032781      positive regulation of ATPase activity        44
## 34 GO:0072659     protein localization to plasma membrane       182
## 35 GO:0032386       regulation of intracellular transport       422
## 36 GO:0006936                          muscle contraction       208
## 37 GO:0060314 regulation of ryanodine-sensitive calciu...        20
## 38 GO:0010765 positive regulation of sodium ion transp...        23
## 39 GO:0014037                Schwann cell differentiation        27
## 40 GO:0089718    amino acid import across plasma membrane         8
## 41 GO:0010667 negative regulation of cardiac muscle ce...        16
## 42 GO:0000165                                MAPK cascade       586
## 43 GO:0051443 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein...        85
## 44 GO:0055119                relaxation of cardiac muscle        14
## 45 GO:0071872 cellular response to epinephrine stimulu...         9
## 46 GO:0010666 positive regulation of cardiac muscle ce...         9
## 47 GO:0051639            actin filament network formation         9
## 48 GO:0086014 atrial cardiac muscle cell action potent...        12
## 49 GO:0010649 regulation of cell communication by elec...        10
## 50 GO:0014898 cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response t...        18
## 51 GO:0014912 negative regulation of smooth muscle cel...        18
## 52 GO:0045445                    myoblast differentiation        58
## 53 GO:0032469 endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeos...        19
## 54 GO:0005513                    detection of calcium ion        10
## 55 GO:0007274         neuromuscular synaptic transmission        10
## 56 GO:0043092                         L-amino acid import        10
## 57 GO:0007155                               cell adhesion       883
## 58 GO:0060307 regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle...        11
##    Significant Expected weightFisher
## 1           16     0.92      6.2e-18
## 2           14     1.08      2.7e-13
## 3           31     3.72      2.7e-13
## 4           13     1.44      3.1e-10
## 5           11     0.92      3.2e-10
## 6            6     0.32      1.0e-07
## 7            8     0.68      1.1e-07
## 8           21     2.36      1.5e-07
## 9            7     0.64      3.0e-07
## 10           7     0.56      4.2e-07
## 11          12     1.84      5.1e-07
## 12           6     0.48      3.0e-06
## 13           7     0.84      1.1e-05
## 14           4     0.20      1.2e-05
## 15           6     0.64      2.3e-05
## 16          16     2.44      5.9e-05
## 17          21     3.76      7.0e-05
## 18           4     0.28      8.0e-05
## 19          37     4.52      0.00012
## 20           5     0.56      0.00015
## 21           4     0.32      0.00016
## 22           6     0.80      0.00021
## 23          10     1.20      0.00024
## 24          17     1.80      0.00024
## 25           4     0.36      0.00027
## 26          13     2.28      0.00057
## 27           3     0.20      0.00060
## 28          13     3.80      0.00067
## 29           4     0.44      0.00067
## 30          33     5.56      0.00077
## 31           7     0.72      0.00113
## 32           3     0.28      0.00159
## 33           7     1.76      0.00166
## 34          18     7.28      0.00199
## 35          25    16.89      0.00216
## 36          50     8.32      0.00227
## 37           6     0.80      0.00301
## 38           5     0.92      0.00304
## 39           4     1.08      0.00306
## 40           3     0.32      0.00307
## 41           4     0.64      0.00314
## 42          28    23.45      0.00377
## 43           7     3.40      0.00396
## 44           5     0.56      0.00441
## 45           3     0.36      0.00446
## 46           3     0.36      0.00446
## 47           3     0.36      0.00446
## 48           4     0.48      0.00463
## 49           3     0.40      0.00465
## 50           4     0.72      0.00495
## 51           4     0.72      0.00495
## 52           6     2.32      0.00605
## 53           4     0.76      0.00607
## 54           3     0.40      0.00619
## 55           3     0.40      0.00619
## 56           3     0.40      0.00619
## 57          37    35.34      0.00673
## 58           3     0.44      0.00826
sig.genes <- sigGenes(go_data)

# Make table

write.csv(go_table, "../data/GO_conserved_tissue_specific_heart.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

goresults <- sapply(go_table$GO.ID, function(x)
      genes<-genesInTerm(go_data, x) 
      genes[[1]][genes[[1]] %in% sig.genes]

goresults["GO:0030049"] # muscle filament sliding "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000111245" "ENSG00000129991" "ENSG00000134571" "ENSG00000143632" "ENSG00000159251" "ENSG00000160808" "ENSG00000197616"
## $`GO:0030049`
##  [1] "ENSG00000077522" "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000111245"
##  [4] "ENSG00000114854" "ENSG00000118194" "ENSG00000129991"
##  [7] "ENSG00000134571" "ENSG00000136842" "ENSG00000140416"
## [10] "ENSG00000143632" "ENSG00000155657" "ENSG00000159251"
## [13] "ENSG00000160808" "ENSG00000173991" "ENSG00000175084"
## [16] "ENSG00000197616"
goresults["GO:0060048"] # cardiac muscle contraction "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000111245" "ENSG00000129170" "ENSG00000129991" "ENSG00000134571" "ENSG00000159251" "ENSG00000160808" "ENSG00000197616"
## $`GO:0060048`
##  [1] "ENSG00000018625" "ENSG00000055118" "ENSG00000057294"
##  [4] "ENSG00000072062" "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000101400"
##  [7] "ENSG00000104881" "ENSG00000105711" "ENSG00000111245"
## [10] "ENSG00000114279" "ENSG00000114854" "ENSG00000116783"
## [13] "ENSG00000118194" "ENSG00000118729" "ENSG00000129170"
## [16] "ENSG00000129991" "ENSG00000130037" "ENSG00000134571"
## [19] "ENSG00000140416" "ENSG00000145349" "ENSG00000151067"
## [22] "ENSG00000155657" "ENSG00000159251" "ENSG00000160808"
## [25] "ENSG00000165995" "ENSG00000173991" "ENSG00000174437"
## [28] "ENSG00000183023" "ENSG00000197616" "ENSG00000198523"
## [31] "ENSG00000198626"
goresults["GO:0055010"] # ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morpho "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000111245" "ENSG00000129991" "ENSG00000134571" "ENSG00000160808" "ENSG00000197616"
## $`GO:0055010`
##  [1] "ENSG00000057294" "ENSG00000092054" "ENSG00000111245"
##  [4] "ENSG00000114854" "ENSG00000118194" "ENSG00000129991"
##  [7] "ENSG00000130939" "ENSG00000134571" "ENSG00000135547"
## [10] "ENSG00000140416" "ENSG00000160808" "ENSG00000197616"
## [13] "ENSG00000198626"

Run topGO on the kidney data (supplementary table)

# Matrix for which are in the test set

true_false <- rownames(cpm_12184) %in% combine_kidneys$x
true_false <- as.numeric(true_false)

# Merge ENSG with true/false

test_gene <- as.vector(true_false)
names(test_gene) <- rownames(cpm_12184)

# Run topGO
go_data <- new("topGOdata",
                   ontology = "BP",
                   allGenes = test_gene, 
                    geneSel = function(allScore){
    return(allScore > 0.01)
                   nodeSize = 5,
                   annotationFun =,
                   mapping = "",
                   ID = "ensembl")
## Building most specific GOs .....
##  ( 10269 GO terms found. )
## Build GO DAG topology ..........
##  ( 14352 GO terms and 33417 relations. )
## Annotating nodes ...............
##  ( 10194 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
# Perform enrichment test
go_test <- runTest(go_data, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
##           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
##       the algorithm is scoring 2833 nontrivial nodes
##       parameters: 
##           test statistic: fisher
##   Level 17:  5 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 16:  6 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 15:  15 nodes to be scored   (24 eliminated genes)
##   Level 14:  29 nodes to be scored   (58 eliminated genes)
##   Level 13:  59 nodes to be scored   (213 eliminated genes)
##   Level 12:  108 nodes to be scored  (741 eliminated genes)
##   Level 11:  172 nodes to be scored  (2170 eliminated genes)
##   Level 10:  251 nodes to be scored  (3167 eliminated genes)
##   Level 9:   335 nodes to be scored  (4879 eliminated genes)
##   Level 8:   386 nodes to be scored  (6050 eliminated genes)
##   Level 7:   431 nodes to be scored  (7085 eliminated genes)
##   Level 6:   445 nodes to be scored  (8183 eliminated genes)
##   Level 5:   314 nodes to be scored  (9272 eliminated genes)
##   Level 4:   177 nodes to be scored  (9658 eliminated genes)
##   Level 3:   80 nodes to be scored   (9870 eliminated genes)
##   Level 2:   19 nodes to be scored   (9964 eliminated genes)
##   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (10057 eliminated genes)
go_table <- GenTable(go_data, weightFisher = go_test,
                         orderBy = "weightFisher", ranksOf = "weightFisher",
                         topNodes = sum(score(go_test) < .01))

##         GO.ID                                        Term Annotated
## 1  GO:0043252 sodium-independent organic anion transpo...        13
## 2  GO:0072235       metanephric distal tubule development         5
## 3  GO:0072205     metanephric collecting duct development         6
## 4  GO:2000665      regulation of interleukin-13 secretion         6
## 5  GO:0090383                     phagosome acidification        17
## 6  GO:0015991     ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport        19
## 7  GO:0006814                        sodium ion transport       127
## 8  GO:0033572                       transferrin transport        26
## 9  GO:0042953                       lipoprotein transport        12
## 10 GO:0015698                   inorganic anion transport        89
## 11 GO:1903825        organic acid transmembrane transport        70
## 12 GO:0007588                                   excretion        35
## 13 GO:0042985 negative regulation of amyloid precursor...         5
## 14 GO:2000662       regulation of interleukin-5 secretion         5
## 15 GO:0015838                amino-acid betaine transport         5
## 16 GO:2000147        positive regulation of cell motility       317
## 17 GO:0032927 positive regulation of activin receptor ...         6
## 18 GO:0046689                     response to mercury ion         6
## 19 GO:1990573 potassium ion import across plasma membr...         6
## 20 GO:0042472                     inner ear morphogenesis        42
## 21 GO:0045880 positive regulation of smoothened signal...        22
## 22 GO:0055074                     calcium ion homeostasis       213
## 23 GO:0072182 regulation of nephron tubule epithelial ...         7
## 24 GO:0072079                    nephron tubule formation         7
## 25 GO:0001657                    ureteric bud development        61
## 26 GO:0051048            negative regulation of secretion       118
## 27 GO:0006590                  thyroid hormone generation         8
## 28 GO:0071599                    otic vesicle development         8
## 29 GO:0042359                 vitamin D metabolic process         9
## 30 GO:0072488            ammonium transmembrane transport         9
## 31 GO:0032352 positive regulation of hormone metabolic...         9
## 32 GO:0002829 negative regulation of type 2 immune res...         9
## 33 GO:0046415                     urate metabolic process         9
## 34 GO:0006020                  inositol metabolic process         9
## 35 GO:0015695                    organic cation transport        23
##    Significant Expected weightFisher
## 1            4     0.19      2.6e-05
## 2            3     0.07      2.8e-05
## 3            3     0.09      5.6e-05
## 4            3     0.09      5.6e-05
## 5            4     0.24      8.3e-05
## 6            4     0.27      0.00013
## 7            9     1.82      0.00022
## 8            4     0.37      0.00047
## 9            3     0.17      0.00058
## 10           7     1.27      0.00070
## 11           7     1.00      0.00113
## 12           4     0.50      0.00150
## 13           2     0.07      0.00198
## 14           2     0.07      0.00198
## 15           2     0.07      0.00198
## 16           7     4.54      0.00292
## 17           2     0.09      0.00294
## 18           2     0.09      0.00294
## 19           2     0.09      0.00294
## 20           4     0.60      0.00296
## 21           3     0.32      0.00363
## 22           7     3.05      0.00397
## 23           2     0.10      0.00408
## 24           2     0.10      0.00408
## 25           5     0.87      0.00511
## 26           5     1.69      0.00529
## 27           2     0.11      0.00539
## 28           2     0.11      0.00539
## 29           2     0.13      0.00687
## 30           2     0.13      0.00687
## 31           2     0.13      0.00687
## 32           2     0.13      0.00687
## 33           2     0.13      0.00687
## 34           2     0.13      0.00687
## 35           5     0.33      0.00819
sig.genes <- sigGenes(go_data)

# Make table

write.csv(go_table, "../data/GO_conserved_tissue_specific_kidney.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

goresults <- sapply(go_table$GO.ID, function(x)
      genes<-genesInTerm(go_data, x) 
      genes[[1]][genes[[1]] %in% sig.genes]

goresults["GO:1903825"] #  organic acid transmembrane transport "ENSG00000092068" "ENSG00000197891" "ENSG00000197901"
## $`GO:1903825`
## [1] "ENSG00000081479" "ENSG00000092068" "ENSG00000138079" "ENSG00000158296"
## [5] "ENSG00000167703" "ENSG00000197891" "ENSG00000197901"
goresults["GO:0072205"] # metanephric distal tubule development "ENSG00000104327" "ENSG00000167580"
## $`GO:0072205`
## [1] "ENSG00000104327" "ENSG00000125618" "ENSG00000167580"
goresults["GO:0015698"] # inorganic anion transport "ENSG00000074803" "ENSG00000197891" "ENSG00000197901"
## $`GO:0015698`
## [1] "ENSG00000074803" "ENSG00000114859" "ENSG00000126562" "ENSG00000131183"
## [5] "ENSG00000149452" "ENSG00000197891" "ENSG00000197901"
goresults["GO:0007588"] # excretion "ENSG00000167580" "ENSG00000169344"
## $`GO:0007588`
## [1] "ENSG00000116039" "ENSG00000166828" "ENSG00000167580" "ENSG00000169344"

Run topGO on the liver data (supplementary table)

# Matrix for which are in the test set

true_false <- rownames(cpm_12184) %in% combine_livers$x
true_false <- as.numeric(true_false)

# Merge ENSG with true/false

test_gene <- as.vector(true_false)
names(test_gene) <- rownames(cpm_12184)

# Run topGO
go_data <- new("topGOdata",
                   ontology = "BP",
                   allGenes = test_gene, 
                    geneSel = function(allScore){
    return(allScore > 0.01)
                   nodeSize = 5,
                   annotationFun =,
                   mapping = "",
                   ID = "ensembl")
## Building most specific GOs .....
##  ( 10269 GO terms found. )
## Build GO DAG topology ..........
##  ( 14352 GO terms and 33417 relations. )
## Annotating nodes ...............
##  ( 10194 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
# Perform enrichment test
go_test <- runTest(go_data, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
##           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
##       the algorithm is scoring 5362 nontrivial nodes
##       parameters: 
##           test statistic: fisher
##   Level 18:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 17:  6 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 16:  17 nodes to be scored   (22 eliminated genes)
##   Level 15:  40 nodes to be scored   (51 eliminated genes)
##   Level 14:  80 nodes to be scored   (164 eliminated genes)
##   Level 13:  159 nodes to be scored  (571 eliminated genes)
##   Level 12:  255 nodes to be scored  (1339 eliminated genes)
##   Level 11:  410 nodes to be scored  (2934 eliminated genes)
##   Level 10:  585 nodes to be scored  (4171 eliminated genes)
##   Level 9:   744 nodes to be scored  (5750 eliminated genes)
##   Level 8:   770 nodes to be scored  (7136 eliminated genes)
##   Level 7:   787 nodes to be scored  (8242 eliminated genes)
##   Level 6:   695 nodes to be scored  (8991 eliminated genes)
##   Level 5:   449 nodes to be scored  (9448 eliminated genes)
##   Level 4:   241 nodes to be scored  (9751 eliminated genes)
##   Level 3:   99 nodes to be scored   (9903 eliminated genes)
##   Level 2:   22 nodes to be scored   (9977 eliminated genes)
##   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (10068 eliminated genes)
go_table <- GenTable(go_data, weightFisher = go_test,
                         orderBy = "weightFisher", ranksOf = "weightFisher",
                         topNodes = sum(score(go_test) < .01))

##          GO.ID                                        Term Annotated
## 1   GO:0006953                        acute-phase response        27
## 2   GO:0030449         regulation of complement activation        34
## 3   GO:0055114                 oxidation-reduction process       712
## 4   GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase act...       130
## 5   GO:0070328                    triglyceride homeostasis        24
## 6   GO:0006958    complement activation, classical pathway        23
## 7   GO:0006536                 glutamate metabolic process        24
## 8   GO:0017187        peptidyl-glutamic acid carboxylation         7
## 9   GO:0015721           bile acid and bile salt transport        19
## 10  GO:0042632                     cholesterol homeostasis        53
## 11  GO:0006957 complement activation, alternative pathw...        11
## 12  GO:1904478         regulation of intestinal absorption         5
## 13  GO:0034378                        chylomicron assembly         8
## 14  GO:0006641              triglyceride metabolic process        65
## 15  GO:0006695            cholesterol biosynthetic process        58
## 16  GO:0007597        blood coagulation, intrinsic pathway        14
## 17  GO:0031639                      plasminogen activation        20
## 18  GO:0036498     IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response        62
## 19  GO:0043691               reverse cholesterol transport        15
## 20  GO:0010873 positive regulation of cholesterol ester...         7
## 21  GO:0019373                    epoxygenase P450 pathway         7
## 22  GO:0002576                      platelet degranulation       106
## 23  GO:0090110     cargo loading into COPII-coated vesicle        12
## 24  GO:0033700                         phospholipid efflux         8
## 25  GO:0008202                   steroid metabolic process       201
## 26  GO:0033344                          cholesterol efflux        29
## 27  GO:0032782                         bile acid secretion         5
## 28  GO:0051715                 cytolysis in other organism         5
## 29  GO:0015942                   formate metabolic process         5
## 30  GO:0006572                  tyrosine catabolic process         5
## 31  GO:0008203               cholesterol metabolic process       104
## 32  GO:0019216       regulation of lipid metabolic process       278
## 33  GO:0006805                xenobiotic metabolic process        62
## 34  GO:0070508                          cholesterol import         9
## 35  GO:0009071 serine family amino acid catabolic proce...         9
## 36  GO:0034372 very-low-density lipoprotein particle re...         9
## 37  GO:0034374 low-density lipoprotein particle remodel...         9
## 38  GO:0051918         negative regulation of fibrinolysis         9
## 39  GO:0006898               receptor-mediated endocytosis       207
## 40  GO:0034375 high-density lipoprotein particle remode...        14
## 41  GO:0017144                      drug metabolic process        20
## 42  GO:0072329       monocarboxylic acid catabolic process        99
## 43  GO:0034384 high-density lipoprotein particle cleara...        10
## 44  GO:0001867       complement activation, lectin pathway         6
## 45  GO:0006207 'de novo' pyrimidine nucleobase biosynth...         6
## 46  GO:0034371                      chylomicron remodeling         6
## 47  GO:0051917                  regulation of fibrinolysis        12
## 48  GO:0006559           L-phenylalanine catabolic process        11
## 49  GO:0044270 cellular nitrogen compound catabolic pro...       421
## 50  GO:0030195    negative regulation of blood coagulation        38
## 51  GO:0042157               lipoprotein metabolic process       112
## 52  GO:0000098         sulfur amino acid catabolic process         7
## 53  GO:0051006 positive regulation of lipoprotein lipas...         7
## 54  GO:0008228                                opsonization         7
## 55  GO:0001935              endothelial cell proliferation        94
## 56  GO:0045723 positive regulation of fatty acid biosyn...        12
## 57  GO:0045717 negative regulation of fatty acid biosyn...        12
## 58  GO:0050714    positive regulation of protein secretion       147
## 59  GO:0019835                                   cytolysis        23
## 60  GO:0006699              bile acid biosynthetic process        25
## 61  GO:0007595                                   lactation        26
## 62  GO:0000050                                  urea cycle         8
## 63  GO:0034379 very-low-density lipoprotein particle as...         8
## 64  GO:0060192      negative regulation of lipase activity        14
## 65  GO:0043401 steroid hormone mediated signaling pathw...       155
## 66  GO:0006534                  cysteine metabolic process        11
## 67  GO:0003071 renal system process involved in regulat...        12
## 68  GO:0030522    intracellular receptor signaling pathway       224
## 69  GO:0007200 phospholipase C-activating G-protein cou...        36
## 70  GO:0048208                       COPII vesicle coating        53
## 71  GO:0046717                              acid secretion        51
## 72  GO:0014075                           response to amine        21
## 73  GO:0006809           nitric oxide biosynthetic process        54
## 74  GO:0006069                           ethanol oxidation         9
## 75  GO:0035999            tetrahydrofolate interconversion         9
## 76  GO:0051957 positive regulation of amino acid transp...         9
## 77  GO:0055091                    phospholipid homeostasis         9
## 78  GO:0045471                         response to ethanol        82
## 79  GO:0045540 regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic p...        39
## 80  GO:0045907     positive regulation of vasoconstriction        15
## 81  GO:0051004 regulation of lipoprotein lipase activit...        17
## 82  GO:0050994       regulation of lipid catabolic process        37
## 83  GO:1900103 positive regulation of endoplasmic retic...        11
## 84  GO:0008211            glucocorticoid metabolic process        15
## 85  GO:0010898 positive regulation of triglyceride cata...         5
## 86  GO:0002923 regulation of humoral immune response me...         5
## 87  GO:0051005 negative regulation of lipoprotein lipas...         5
## 88  GO:1902023                        L-arginine transport         5
## 89  GO:0006526               arginine biosynthetic process         5
## 90  GO:0006548                 histidine catabolic process         5
## 91  GO:0042737                      drug catabolic process         5
## 92  GO:0030299           intestinal cholesterol absorption         5
## 93  GO:0010269                    response to selenium ion         5
## 94  GO:0090277 positive regulation of peptide hormone s...        56
## 95  GO:0016540                      protein autoprocessing        10
## 96  GO:0042493                            response to drug       268
## 97  GO:0046483               heterocycle metabolic process      4063
## 98  GO:0001889                           liver development       106
## 99  GO:0009395              phospholipid catabolic process        25
## 100 GO:0043687     post-translational protein modification       307
## 101 GO:0009914                           hormone transport       181
## 102 GO:0036315                 cellular response to sterol        12
## 103 GO:0009396 folic acid-containing compound biosynthe...         8
## 104 GO:0032375 negative regulation of cholesterol trans...         6
## 105 GO:0032489 regulation of Cdc42 protein signal trans...         6
## 106 GO:0043031 negative regulation of macrophage activa...         6
## 107 GO:0019530                   taurine metabolic process         6
## 108 GO:0060850 regulation of transcription involved in ...         6
## 109 GO:0034382               chylomicron remnant clearance         6
## 110 GO:0046689                     response to mercury ion         6
## 111 GO:0042538              hyperosmotic salinity response         6
## 112 GO:0043603            cellular amide metabolic process       767
## 113 GO:0010894 negative regulation of steroid biosynthe...        17
## 114 GO:0055089                      fatty acid homeostasis        12
## 115 GO:2000188       regulation of cholesterol homeostasis        12
## 116 GO:0033189                       response to vitamin A        12
## 117 GO:0008643                      carbohydrate transport       111
## 118 GO:0018279 protein N-linked glycosylation via aspar...        35
## 119 GO:0098869             cellular oxidant detoxification        59
## 120 GO:0016525         negative regulation of angiogenesis        60
## 121 GO:0031100                   animal organ regeneration        64
## 122 GO:0043200                      response to amino acid        85
## 123 GO:0006541                 glutamine metabolic process        20
## 124 GO:0070542                      response to fatty acid        60
## 125 GO:0051592                     response to calcium ion        85
## 126 GO:0042730                                fibrinolysis        19
## 127 GO:0034380 high-density lipoprotein particle assemb...        13
## 128 GO:0010596 negative regulation of endothelial cell ...        36
## 129 GO:0072378    blood coagulation, fibrin clot formation        21
## 130 GO:0033240 positive regulation of cellular amine me...         7
## 131 GO:0001976 neurological system process involved in ...         7
## 132 GO:0038063 collagen-activated tyrosine kinase recep...         7
## 133 GO:0046439                L-cysteine metabolic process         7
## 134 GO:0042167                      heme catabolic process         7
## 135 GO:0045346 regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic ...         7
## 136 GO:0070365                  hepatocyte differentiation         7
## 137 GO:1901890 positive regulation of cell junction ass...        28
## 138 GO:1900026 positive regulation of substrate adhesio...        29
## 139 GO:0010043                        response to zinc ion        26
## 140 GO:0051258                      protein polymerization       189
## 141 GO:0014068 positive regulation of phosphatidylinosi...        48
## 142 GO:0019433              triglyceride catabolic process        23
## 143 GO:0051180                           vitamin transport        23
## 144 GO:0008209                  androgen metabolic process        14
## 145 GO:0006465                   signal peptide processing        14
## 146 GO:1903830       magnesium ion transmembrane transport        14
## 147 GO:0010460           positive regulation of heart rate        14
## 148 GO:0001523                  retinoid metabolic process        49
## 149 GO:0050728 negative regulation of inflammatory resp...        66
##     Significant Expected weightFisher
## 1            14     1.67      1.0e-10
## 2            16     2.10      1.8e-10
## 3            86    44.07      6.5e-10
## 4            27     8.05      7.0e-10
## 5            13     1.49      9.8e-10
## 6            12     1.42      2.1e-09
## 7            12     1.49      3.9e-09
## 8             6     0.43      3.6e-07
## 9            12     1.18      4.2e-07
## 10           17     3.28      5.7e-07
## 11            7     0.68      8.9e-07
## 12            5     0.31      9.0e-07
## 13            6     0.50      1.4e-06
## 14           21     4.02      7.5e-06
## 15           17     3.59      7.8e-06
## 16            7     0.87      7.9e-06
## 17            8     1.24      9.2e-06
## 18           15     3.84      1.1e-05
## 19            7     0.93      1.4e-05
## 20            5     0.43      1.7e-05
## 21            5     0.43      1.7e-05
## 22           19     6.56      2.3e-05
## 23            6     0.74      3.7e-05
## 24            5     0.50      4.3e-05
## 25           52    12.44      5.5e-05
## 26            9     1.80      6.4e-05
## 27            4     0.31      6.9e-05
## 28            4     0.31      6.9e-05
## 29            4     0.31      6.9e-05
## 30            4     0.31      6.9e-05
## 31           29     6.44      8.0e-05
## 32           50    17.21      8.7e-05
## 33           13     3.84      8.8e-05
## 34            5     0.56      9.1e-05
## 35            5     0.56      9.1e-05
## 36            5     0.56      9.1e-05
## 37            5     0.56      9.1e-05
## 38            5     0.56      9.1e-05
## 39           25    12.81      9.4e-05
## 40            6     0.87      0.00011
## 41            9     1.24      0.00017
## 42           12     6.13      0.00017
## 43            5     0.62      0.00017
## 44            4     0.37      0.00020
## 45            4     0.37      0.00020
## 46            4     0.37      0.00020
## 47            8     0.74      0.00023
## 48            5     0.68      0.00030
## 49           30    26.06      0.00030
## 50           16     2.35      0.00041
## 51           16     6.93      0.00042
## 52            4     0.43      0.00044
## 53            4     0.43      0.00044
## 54            4     0.43      0.00044
## 55           13     5.82      0.00048
## 56            5     0.74      0.00049
## 57            5     0.74      0.00049
## 58           20     9.10      0.00068
## 59           11     1.42      0.00073
## 60            8     1.55      0.00073
## 61            7     1.61      0.00079
## 62            4     0.50      0.00083
## 63            4     0.50      0.00083
## 64            7     0.87      0.00089
## 65           16     9.59      0.00089
## 66            6     0.68      0.00089
## 67            5     0.74      0.00089
## 68           19    13.87      0.00090
## 69            8     2.23      0.00126
## 70           10     3.28      0.00133
## 71           11     3.16      0.00139
## 72            5     1.30      0.00142
## 73            7     3.34      0.00142
## 74            4     0.56      0.00143
## 75            4     0.56      0.00143
## 76            4     0.56      0.00143
## 77            4     0.56      0.00143
## 78           13     5.08      0.00147
## 79            9     2.41      0.00157
## 80            5     0.93      0.00160
## 81           10     1.05      0.00209
## 82           11     2.29      0.00209
## 83            5     0.68      0.00213
## 84            4     0.93      0.00214
## 85            3     0.31      0.00215
## 86            3     0.31      0.00215
## 87            3     0.31      0.00215
## 88            3     0.31      0.00215
## 89            3     0.31      0.00215
## 90            3     0.31      0.00215
## 91            3     0.31      0.00215
## 92            3     0.31      0.00215
## 93            3     0.31      0.00215
## 94           10     3.47      0.00222
## 95            4     0.62      0.00226
## 96           31    16.59      0.00257
## 97          213   251.50      0.00331
## 98           17     6.56      0.00332
## 99            6     1.55      0.00336
## 100          32    19.00      0.00365
## 101          23    11.20      0.00370
## 102           4     0.74      0.00381
## 103           3     0.50      0.00382
## 104           3     0.37      0.00410
## 105           3     0.37      0.00410
## 106           3     0.37      0.00410
## 107           3     0.37      0.00410
## 108           3     0.37      0.00410
## 109           3     0.37      0.00410
## 110           3     0.37      0.00410
## 111           3     0.37      0.00410
## 112          48    47.48      0.00414
## 113           5     1.05      0.00481
## 114           4     0.74      0.00482
## 115           4     0.74      0.00482
## 116           4     0.74      0.00482
## 117          15     6.87      0.00488
## 118           7     2.17      0.00495
## 119           9     3.65      0.00502
## 120          10     3.71      0.00573
## 121          10     3.96      0.00576
## 122          13     5.26      0.00624
## 123           5     1.24      0.00636
## 124           8     3.71      0.00659
## 125          11     5.26      0.00660
## 126          11     1.18      0.00663
## 127           4     0.80      0.00663
## 128           5     2.23      0.00665
## 129          10     1.30      0.00666
## 130           3     0.43      0.00685
## 131           3     0.43      0.00685
## 132           3     0.43      0.00685
## 133           3     0.43      0.00685
## 134           3     0.43      0.00685
## 135           3     0.43      0.00685
## 136           3     0.43      0.00685
## 137           4     1.73      0.00685
## 138           6     1.80      0.00767
## 139           6     1.61      0.00790
## 140          11    11.70      0.00817
## 141           8     2.97      0.00861
## 142           9     1.42      0.00862
## 143           7     1.42      0.00872
## 144           4     0.87      0.00884
## 145           4     0.87      0.00884
## 146           4     0.87      0.00884
## 147           4     0.87      0.00884
## 148          11     3.03      0.00948
## 149          12     4.09      0.00949
sig.genes <- sigGenes(go_data)

# Make table

write.csv(go_table, "../data/GO_conserved_tissue_specific_liver.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

goresults <- sapply(go_table$GO.ID, function(x)
      genes<-genesInTerm(go_data, x) 
      genes[[1]][genes[[1]] %in% sig.genes]

goresults["GO:1904478"] # regulation of intestinal absorption "ENSG00000110243" "ENSG00000158874"
## $`GO:1904478`
## [1] "ENSG00000005471" "ENSG00000105697" "ENSG00000110243" "ENSG00000118137"
## [5] "ENSG00000158874"
goresults["GO:0006641"] # triglyceride metabolic process "ENSG00000091583" "ENSG00000110243" "ENSG00000158874"
## $`GO:0006641`
##  [1] "ENSG00000021826" "ENSG00000025434" "ENSG00000073060"
##  [4] "ENSG00000083807" "ENSG00000084674" "ENSG00000091583"
##  [7] "ENSG00000110243" "ENSG00000110245" "ENSG00000112293"
## [10] "ENSG00000114771" "ENSG00000118137" "ENSG00000119927"
## [13] "ENSG00000121691" "ENSG00000125629" "ENSG00000130649"
## [16] "ENSG00000151365" "ENSG00000158874" "ENSG00000163586"
## [19] "ENSG00000166035" "ENSG00000169174" "ENSG00000186480"
goresults["GO:0015721"] # bile acid and bile salt transport "ENSG00000163631" "ENSG00000186350"
## $`GO:0015721`
##  [1] "ENSG00000005471" "ENSG00000012504" "ENSG00000083807"
##  [4] "ENSG00000103569" "ENSG00000108846" "ENSG00000134538"
##  [7] "ENSG00000140396" "ENSG00000163631" "ENSG00000163959"
## [10] "ENSG00000172345" "ENSG00000186350" "ENSG00000214530"

Run topGO on the lung data (supplementary table)

# Matrix for which are in the test set

true_false <- rownames(cpm_12184) %in% combine_lungs$x
true_false <- as.numeric(true_false)

# Merge ENSG with true/false

test_gene <- as.vector(true_false)
names(test_gene) <- rownames(cpm_12184)

# Run topGO
go_data <- new("topGOdata",
                   ontology = "BP",
                   allGenes = test_gene, 
                    geneSel = function(allScore){
    return(allScore > 0.01)
                   nodeSize = 5,
                   annotationFun =,
                   mapping = "",
                   ID = "ensembl")
## Building most specific GOs .....
##  ( 10269 GO terms found. )
## Build GO DAG topology ..........
##  ( 14352 GO terms and 33417 relations. )
## Annotating nodes ...............
##  ( 10194 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
# Perform enrichment test
go_test <- runTest(go_data, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
##           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
##       the algorithm is scoring 4619 nontrivial nodes
##       parameters: 
##           test statistic: fisher
##   Level 19:  1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 18:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
##   Level 17:  8 nodes to be scored    (17 eliminated genes)
##   Level 16:  15 nodes to be scored   (22 eliminated genes)
##   Level 15:  38 nodes to be scored   (50 eliminated genes)
##   Level 14:  86 nodes to be scored   (173 eliminated genes)
##   Level 13:  140 nodes to be scored  (560 eliminated genes)
##   Level 12:  199 nodes to be scored  (1308 eliminated genes)
##   Level 11:  321 nodes to be scored  (2751 eliminated genes)
##   Level 10:  465 nodes to be scored  (3773 eliminated genes)
##   Level 9:   604 nodes to be scored  (5319 eliminated genes)
##   Level 8:   661 nodes to be scored  (6769 eliminated genes)
##   Level 7:   717 nodes to be scored  (8071 eliminated genes)
##   Level 6:   620 nodes to be scored  (8941 eliminated genes)
##   Level 5:   398 nodes to be scored  (9420 eliminated genes)
##   Level 4:   227 nodes to be scored  (9742 eliminated genes)
##   Level 3:   96 nodes to be scored   (9898 eliminated genes)
##   Level 2:   20 nodes to be scored   (9976 eliminated genes)
##   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (10069 eliminated genes)
go_table <- GenTable(go_data, weightFisher = go_test,
                         orderBy = "weightFisher", ranksOf = "weightFisher",
                         topNodes = sum(score(go_test) < .01))

##         GO.ID                                        Term Annotated
## 1  GO:0042102 positive regulation of T cell proliferat...        54
## 2  GO:0045730                           respiratory burst        20
## 3  GO:0043312                    neutrophil degranulation       368
## 4  GO:0032729 positive regulation of interferon-gamma ...        31
## 5  GO:0070125      mitochondrial translational elongation        71
## 6  GO:0007166     cell surface receptor signaling pathway      1748
## 7  GO:0043129                      surfactant homeostasis         7
## 8  GO:0045579 positive regulation of B cell differenti...        13
## 9  GO:0002250                    adaptive immune response       204
## 10 GO:0044267          cellular protein metabolic process      3534
## 11 GO:0045087                      innate immune response       521
## 12 GO:0022617            extracellular matrix disassembly        52
## 13 GO:0070374 positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cas...       108
## 14 GO:0050852           T cell receptor signaling pathway       136
## 15 GO:0006635                   fatty acid beta-oxidation        61
## 16 GO:0090023 positive regulation of neutrophil chemot...        16
## 17 GO:0042554                 superoxide anion generation        18
## 18 GO:0070126     mitochondrial translational termination        72
## 19 GO:0009725                         response to hormone       607
## 20 GO:0043407 negative regulation of MAP kinase activi...        56
## 21 GO:0009083 branched-chain amino acid catabolic proc...        19
## 22 GO:2001185 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T...         5
## 23 GO:0001666                         response to hypoxia       263
## 24 GO:0031295                        T cell costimulation        41
## 25 GO:0007585                respiratory gaseous exchange        41
## 26 GO:0000302         response to reactive oxygen species       158
## 27 GO:0060333 interferon-gamma-mediated signaling path...        69
## 28 GO:1903039 positive regulation of leukocyte cell-ce...       132
## 29 GO:2000483 negative regulation of interleukin-8 sec...         6
## 30 GO:0030889 negative regulation of B cell proliferat...        13
## 31 GO:0002407                   dendritic cell chemotaxis        13
## 32 GO:0032743 positive regulation of interleukin-2 pro...        23
## 33 GO:0061154              endothelial tube morphogenesis        14
## 34 GO:0030098                  lymphocyte differentiation       195
## 35 GO:0030815 negative regulation of cAMP metabolic pr...        20
## 36 GO:0071871                     response to epinephrine        11
## 37 GO:0002381 immunoglobulin production involved in im...        29
## 38 GO:1904994 regulation of leukocyte adhesion to vasc...         7
## 39 GO:0032324 molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic proc...         7
## 40 GO:0032715 negative regulation of interleukin-6 pro...        22
## 41 GO:2000406     positive regulation of T cell migration        15
## 42 GO:0006968                   cellular defense response        26
## 43 GO:2000727 positive regulation of cardiac muscle ce...        16
## 44 GO:0031581                      hemidesmosome assembly         8
## 45 GO:0035810         positive regulation of urine volume         8
## 46 GO:0034599       cellular response to oxidative stress       209
## 47 GO:0030279         negative regulation of ossification        43
## 48 GO:0043011      myeloid dendritic cell differentiation         9
## 49 GO:0001771             immunological synapse formation         9
## 50 GO:0019370            leukotriene biosynthetic process         9
## 51 GO:0045860 positive regulation of protein kinase ac...       364
## 52 GO:0030168                         platelet activation       111
## 53 GO:0046633             alpha-beta T cell proliferation        18
## 54 GO:0043372 positive regulation of CD4-positive, alp...        14
## 55 GO:0031589                     cell-substrate adhesion       245
## 56 GO:0033138 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine p...        59
## 57 GO:0043304       regulation of mast cell degranulation        19
## 58 GO:0042832               defense response to protozoan        10
## 59 GO:0046641 positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell...        10
## 60 GO:0031330 negative regulation of cellular cataboli...       158
## 61 GO:0001541                ovarian follicle development        32
## 62 GO:0071356 cellular response to tumor necrosis fact...       188
## 63 GO:0030593                       neutrophil chemotaxis        42
## 64 GO:0035987             endodermal cell differentiation        33
## 65 GO:0008544                       epidermis development       161
## 66 GO:0071361                cellular response to ethanol        11
## 67 GO:0045589 regulation of regulatory T cell differen...        11
## 68 GO:0006954                       inflammatory response       403
## 69 GO:0031532           actin cytoskeleton reorganization        76
## 70 GO:0002696 positive regulation of leukocyte activat...       191
## 71 GO:0050853           B cell receptor signaling pathway        34
## 72 GO:2000352 negative regulation of endothelial cell ...        22
## 73 GO:0043552 positive regulation of phosphatidylinosi...        22
## 74 GO:0050731 positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine...        96
## 75 GO:0032623                    interleukin-2 production        45
## 76 GO:0032633                    interleukin-4 production        17
## 77 GO:0030819 positive regulation of cAMP biosynthetic...        33
## 78 GO:0050710 negative regulation of cytokine secretio...        36
## 79 GO:0038083       peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation        37
## 80 GO:0050777      negative regulation of immune response        81
## 81 GO:0042493                            response to drug       268
## 82 GO:0030214                hyaluronan catabolic process        13
## 83 GO:0051131 chaperone-mediated protein complex assem...        13
##    Significant Expected weightFisher
## 1           13     1.87      1.5e-06
## 2            7     0.69      2.4e-06
## 3           31    12.74      7.3e-06
## 4            8     1.07      7.5e-06
## 5           11     2.46      2.9e-05
## 6          109    60.53      2.9e-05
## 7            4     0.24      4.6e-05
## 8            5     0.45      5.0e-05
## 9           27     7.06      5.6e-05
## 10         136   122.38      6.3e-05
## 11          41    18.04      6.3e-05
## 12           9     1.80      6.6e-05
## 13          13     3.74      8.7e-05
## 14          15     4.71      0.00010
## 15          12     2.11      0.00012
## 16           5     0.55      0.00015
## 17           5     0.62      0.00016
## 18          10     2.49      0.00017
## 19          30    21.02      0.00020
## 20           8     1.94      0.00032
## 21           5     0.66      0.00038
## 22           3     0.17      0.00039
## 23          21     9.11      0.00044
## 24           7     1.42      0.00046
## 25           7     1.42      0.00046
## 26          12     5.47      0.00054
## 27           9     2.39      0.00058
## 28          24     4.57      0.00066
## 29           3     0.21      0.00076
## 30           4     0.45      0.00079
## 31           4     0.45      0.00079
## 32           5     0.80      0.00097
## 33           4     0.48      0.00107
## 34          25     6.75      0.00109
## 35           4     0.69      0.00119
## 36           3     0.38      0.00119
## 37           3     1.00      0.00120
## 38           3     0.24      0.00130
## 39           3     0.24      0.00130
## 40           5     0.76      0.00141
## 41           4     0.52      0.00142
## 42           5     0.90      0.00175
## 43           4     0.55      0.00201
## 44           3     0.28      0.00203
## 45           3     0.28      0.00203
## 46          15     7.24      0.00261
## 47           5     1.49      0.00294
## 48           3     0.31      0.00296
## 49           3     0.31      0.00296
## 50           3     0.31      0.00296
## 51          25    12.60      0.00303
## 52          11     3.84      0.00324
## 53           6     0.62      0.00344
## 54           3     0.48      0.00349
## 55          16     8.48      0.00396
## 56           7     2.04      0.00408
## 57           4     0.66      0.00410
## 58           3     0.35      0.00412
## 59           3     0.35      0.00412
## 60          10     5.47      0.00435
## 61           5     1.11      0.00451
## 62          12     6.51      0.00487
## 63           9     1.45      0.00508
## 64           5     1.14      0.00517
## 65          11     5.58      0.00519
## 66           3     0.38      0.00552
## 67           3     0.38      0.00552
## 68          31    13.96      0.00566
## 69           9     2.63      0.00578
## 70          29     6.61      0.00608
## 71           8     1.18      0.00608
## 72           4     0.76      0.00631
## 73           4     0.76      0.00631
## 74           9     3.32      0.00645
## 75           8     1.56      0.00668
## 76           4     0.59      0.00679
## 77           4     1.14      0.00716
## 78           7     1.25      0.00846
## 79           5     1.28      0.00848
## 80          11     2.80      0.00869
## 81          17     9.28      0.00909
## 82           3     0.45      0.00909
## 83           3     0.45      0.00909
sig.genes <- sigGenes(go_data)

# Make table

write.csv(go_table, "../data/GO_conserved_tissue_specific_lung.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

goresults <- sapply(go_table$GO.ID, function(x)
      genes<-genesInTerm(go_data, x) 
      genes[[1]][genes[[1]] %in% sig.genes]

goresults["GO:0007585"] # respiratory gaseous exchange "ENSG00000168484" "ENSG00000168878"
## $`GO:0007585`
## [1] "ENSG00000014919" "ENSG00000049540" "ENSG00000078401" "ENSG00000100368"
## [5] "ENSG00000133661" "ENSG00000168484" "ENSG00000168878"
goresults["GO:0019372"] # lipoxygenase pathway "ENSG00000012779" "ENSG00000132965"
## $<NA>

Rerun using human specific data

# Tissue up/downreg
heart_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_upreg_heart_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
heart_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_downreg_heart_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

kidney_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_upreg_kidney_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
kidney_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_downreg_kidney_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

liver_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_upreg_liver_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
liver_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_downreg_liver_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

lung_upreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_upreg_lung_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lung_downreg_data <- read.csv("../data/human_specific_downreg_lung_genes.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
upreg_heart_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(heart_upreg_data$x)[,5]
downreg_heart_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(heart_downreg_data$x)[,5]

upreg_kidney_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(kidney_upreg_data$x)[,6]
downreg_kidney_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(kidney_downreg_data$x)[,6]

upreg_liver_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(liver_upreg_data$x)[,7]
downreg_liver_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(liver_downreg_data$x)[,7]

upreg_lung_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(lung_upreg_data$x)[,8]
downreg_lung_ranking <- ranking_in_gtex(lung_downreg_data$x)[,8]

Ranking in our data

# Heart
upreg_heart_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_heart_ranking), 1))

heart_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_heart_num, upreg_heart_ranking)

downreg_heart_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_heart_ranking), 1))

heart_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_heart_num, downreg_heart_ranking)

# Kidney
upreg_kidney_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_kidney_ranking), 1))

kidney_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_kidney_num, upreg_kidney_ranking)

downreg_kidney_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_kidney_ranking), 1))

kidney_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_kidney_num, downreg_kidney_ranking)

# Liver
upreg_liver_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_liver_ranking), 1))

liver_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_liver_num, upreg_liver_ranking)

downreg_liver_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_liver_ranking), 1))

liver_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_liver_num, downreg_liver_ranking)

# Lung
upreg_lung_num <- array(1, dim=c(length(upreg_lung_ranking), 1))

lung_cor1 <- cbind(upreg_lung_num, upreg_lung_ranking)

downreg_lung_num <- array(4, dim=c(length(downreg_lung_ranking), 1))

lung_cor2 <- cbind(downreg_lung_num, downreg_lung_ranking)

tissue_cor <- rbind(heart_cor1, heart_cor2, kidney_cor1, kidney_cor2, liver_cor1, liver_cor2, lung_cor1, lung_cor2)

# Get the correlation between tissues
cor(tissue_cor[,1], tissue_cor[,2])
## [1] 0.7146797
# How many times does the ranking in our data match the ranking in GTEx?
summary(tissue_cor[,1] == tissue_cor[,2])
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     259     428
## [1] 0.8855664
## [1] 0.6229985
prop.test(c(1540, 428), c(1739, 687))
##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity
##  correction
## data:  c(1540, 428) out of c(1739, 687)
## X-squared = 219.98, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2223457 0.3027900
## sample estimates:
##    prop 1    prop 2 
## 0.8855664 0.6229985