## [1] "/Users/laurenblake/Desktop/Regulatory_Evol/ashlar-trial/analysis"
# import sample labels
samples <- read.delim("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/Sample_info_RNAseq_RIN.txt")
RIN <- samples$RIN
# expression
exprs <- read.table("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/human_chimp_orth_exp_methyl_7725_hum.txt", sep="")
# methylation data
methyl <- read.csv("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/chimp_human_orth_7725_avg_methyl_per_ts_gene.txt", sep="")

# Normalized gene expression data
cpm.voom.cyclic <- readRDS("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/human_chimp_orth_cpm_voom_cyclic.rds")

# Load libraries
## Loading required package: limma
## Warning: package 'cowplot' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Attaching package: 'cowplot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     ggsave
## Loading required package: SQUAREM
## Loading required package: qvalue
## Warning: package 'devtools' was built under R version 3.4.4

Set FDR level/svalue

FDR_level <- 0.05
FDR_add <- 0.10

Human heart-kidney

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7603     122

Human heart versus kidney- DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.134471

Human heart versus kidney- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     971     192
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1650903
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     294       8
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.02649007

Human heart versus kidney- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human heart-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7562     163

Human heart versus liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1703801

Human heart versus liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1076     258
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1934033
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     186       6
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.03125

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0003226327

Human heart-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7637      88

Human heart versus lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1143466

Human heart versus lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     961     156
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1396598
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     282       9
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.03092784

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7614     111

Human kidney liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.09890777

Human kidney liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1146     165
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1258581
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     336       1
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.002967359

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7665      60

Human kidney lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1664581

Human kidney lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     563     128
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1852388
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     101       7
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.06481481

Human kidney lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human liver-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7649      76

Human liver lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.118798

Human liver lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1062     158
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1295082
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     199      12
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.05687204

Human liver lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Difference of proportions

prop.test(c(12, 158), c(199+12, 1062+158))
##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity
##  correction
## data:  c(12, 158) out of c(199 + 12, 1062 + 158)
## X-squared = 8.3856, df = 1, p-value = 0.003782
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.11190539 -0.03336693
## sample estimates:
##     prop 1     prop 2 
## 0.05687204 0.12950820
prop.test(c(128, 7), c(128+563, 7+101))
##  2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity
##  correction
## data:  c(128, 7) out of c(128 + 563, 7 + 101)
## X-squared = 8.808, df = 1, p-value = 0.002999
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.06034403 0.18050391
## sample estimates:
##     prop 1     prop 2 
## 0.18523878 0.06481481

Set FDR level/svalue

FDR_level <- 0.1

Human heart-kidney

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7603     122

Human heart versus kidney- DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1013449

Human heart versus kidney- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1434     212
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1287971
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     432       4
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.009174312

Human heart versus kidney- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human heart-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7562     163

Human heart versus liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1260732

Human heart versus liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1601     285
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1511135
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     324       3
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.009174312

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0001814224

Human heart-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7637      88

Human heart versus lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.08619001

Human heart versus lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1405     178
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1124447
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     452       7
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.01525054

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7614     111

Human kidney liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.07413793

Human kidney liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1657     179
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.09749455
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     484
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7665      60

Human kidney lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1155015

Human kidney lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1006     152
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1312608
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     158
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human liver-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7649      76

Human liver lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.09275911

Human liver lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    1659     186
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.100813
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     259       9
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.03358209

Human liver lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Set FDR level/svalue

FDR_level <- 0.01

Human heart-kidney

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7603     122

Human heart versus kidney- DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2504013

Human heart versus kidney- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     378     149
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2827324
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      89       7
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.07291667

Human heart versus kidney- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0002816108

Human heart-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]
rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7562     163

Human heart versus liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.3487603

Human heart versus liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     354     193
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.3528336
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      40      18
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.3103448

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0008426966

Human heart-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- rownames(exprs)
rownames(methyl) <- rownames(exprs)

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7637      88

Human heart versus lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1923077

Human heart versus lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     398     104
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2071713
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     108      14
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1147541

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:7]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=5, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0001408252

Human kidney-liver

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7614     111

Human kidney liver DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.1916558

Human kidney liver- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     471     138
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.226601
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11,  14,15)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     152       6
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.03797468

Human heart versus liver- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0

Human kidney-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7665      60

Human kidney lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.4461538

Human kidney lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      62      51
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.4513274
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,  14,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      13       4
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2352941

Human kidney lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0005266623

Human liver-lung

# Check parameters

human_chimp_heart <- c(18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31)

# Methylation
hc_exprs <- exprs[,2:48]
exprs_methyl <- exprs[,49:79]

# HC heart only

hc_exprs_heart <- hc_exprs[,human_chimp_heart]

methyl <- exprs_methyl[,human_chimp_heart]

rownames(hc_exprs_heart) <- exprs[,1]
rownames(methyl) <- exprs[,1]

Y <- hc_exprs_heart
two_species <- samples$Tissue[human_chimp_heart]
X <- droplevels.factor(two_species)
M <- methyl
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_chimp_heart]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical    7649      76

Human liver lung DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.28125

Human liver lung- conserved DE genes

# Species no DE
species_no_DE <- c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] <  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     276     111
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2868217
# Species no DE
species_no_DE <-  c(3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,  15,16)

species_no_DE_exprs <- hc_exprs[,species_no_DE]

species_no_DE_methyl <- exprs_methyl[,species_no_DE]

two_species <- samples$Tissue[species_no_DE]
no_DE_tissue <- droplevels.factor(two_species)

no_DE_RIN <- RIN[species_no_DE]

design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(no_DE_tissue) + no_DE_RIN)
  fit_species_no_DE <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,species_no_DE], design)
  fit_species_no_DE <- eBayes(fit_species_no_DE)

  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = topTable(fit_species_no_DE, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")

# Species DE 
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE = cbind(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE, HvC_Heart_fit_all)
      HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[which(HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,6] >  FDR_level & HvC_Heart_fit_species_no_DE[,13] < FDR_level), ]

   human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      47      14
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.2295082

Human liver lung- non DE genes

# Run the linear model in limma
  design_1 <- model.matrix(~ X + RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_chimp_heart], design_1)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf,"none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val > FDR_level), ]
 human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(methyl) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(methyl, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
M <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

human_chimp_heart1 <-  rownames(hc_exprs_heart) %in% rownames( HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)
human_chimp_heart1 <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(hc_exprs_heart, human_chimp_heart1)
counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart1 == "TRUE")
counts_human_chimp_heart_subset <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:8]
Y <- counts_human_chimp_heart_subset

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)

fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=6, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
fit_ash <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
calc <- as.array(summary(fit_ash$result$svalue < FDR_level))
calc2 <- as.numeric(calc[[2]])

## [1] 0.0001374193