# import sample labels
samples <- read.delim("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/Sample_info_RNAseq_RIN.txt")
RIN <- samples$RIN
# expression
exprs <- read.table("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/250_exp_avg_methyl_hcr_4155_genes.txt", sep="")

# methylation data
methyl <- read.csv("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/250_avg_methyl_hcr_4155_genes_unmerged.txt", sep="")

# Normalized gene expression data
cpm.voom.cyclic <- readRDS("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/human_chimp_orth_cpm_voom_cyclic.rds")

results <- readRDS("../data/combined-limma.rds")

# Load libraries
## Loading required package: limma
## Warning: package 'cowplot' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Attaching package: 'cowplot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     ggsave
## Warning: package 'devtools' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Loading required package: SQUAREM
## Loading required package: qvalue
## Skipping install of 'medinome' from a github remote, the SHA1 (dfd53a1b) has not changed since last install.
##   Use `force = TRUE` to force installation

Run the linear model (FDR level = 0.01)

human_rhesus_heart <- c(17:31) 
FDR_level <- 0.01
X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_rhesus_heart]

# Run for hearts 

# Run the linear model in limma
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for kidneys

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Kidney_fit_all[which(HvC_Kidney_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for livers

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Liver_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Liver_fit_all[which(HvC_Liver_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
  # Run for lungs
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Lung_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Lung_fit_all[which(HvC_Lung_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]

## [1] 628   7
## [1] 317   7
## [1] 906   7
## [1] 141   7

Heart specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 205  31
## [1] 205  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     205
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     205
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     202       3
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

#which(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1 = TRUE)

Kidney specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 92 31
## [1] 92 31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      88       4
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      87       5
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical      86       6
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Liver specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 261  31
## [1] 261  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     257       4
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     253       8
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     250      11
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Lung specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec_only) 
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 48 31
## [1] 48 31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      48
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      48
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      48
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Run the linear model (FDR level = 0.05)

human_rhesus_heart <- c(17:31) 
FDR_level <- 0.05
X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_rhesus_heart]

# Run for hearts 

# Run the linear model in limma
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for kidneys

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Kidney_fit_all[which(HvC_Kidney_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for livers

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Liver_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Liver_fit_all[which(HvC_Liver_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
  # Run for lungs
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Lung_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Lung_fit_all[which(HvC_Lung_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]

## [1] 1281    7
## [1] 848   7
## [1] 1953    7
## [1] 838   7

Heart specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 362  31
## [1] 362  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     362
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     362
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     362
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

#which(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1 = TRUE)

Kidney specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 176  31
## [1] 176  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     173       3
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     172       4
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     171       5
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Liver specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 514  31
## [1] 514  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     512       2
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     509       5
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     507       7
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Lung specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec_only) 
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 282  31
## [1] 282  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     282
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     282
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical     282
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

# import sample labels
samples <- read.delim("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/Sample_info_RNAseq_RIN.txt")
RIN <- samples$RIN

# expression
exprs <- read.table("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/human_chimp_orth_exp_methyl_7725_hum.txt", sep="")
# methylation data
methyl <- read.csv("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/chimp_human_orth_7725_avg_methyl_per_ts_gene.txt", sep="")

# Normalized gene expression data
cpm.voom.cyclic <- readRDS("../../../Reg_Evo_Primates/data/human_chimp_orth_cpm_voom_cyclic.rds")

Run the linear model (FDR level = 0.01)

human_rhesus_heart <- c(17:31) 
FDR_level <- 0.01
X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)
RIN_subset <- RIN[human_rhesus_heart]

# Run for hearts 

# Run the linear model in limma
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Heart_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Heart_fit_all[which(HvC_Heart_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for kidneys

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Kidney_fit_all[which(HvC_Kidney_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
# Run for livers

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Liver_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc <-
HvC_Liver_fit_all[which(HvC_Liver_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]
  # Run for lungs
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
  design <- model.matrix(~ as.factor(X)+RIN_subset)
  fit_all <- lmFit(cpm.voom.cyclic[,human_rhesus_heart], design)
  fit_all <- eBayes(fit_all)

# Get results
  HvC_Lung_fit_all = topTable(fit_all, coef=2, adjust="BH", number=Inf, sort.by="none")
  HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc <- HvC_Lung_fit_all[which(HvC_Lung_fit_all$adj.P.Val < FDR_level), ]

## [1] 628   7
## [1] 317   7
## [1] 906   7
## [1] 141   7

Heart specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 391  31
## [1] 391  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

X <- c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0)

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     389       2
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     382       9
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     376      15
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

#which(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1 = TRUE)

Kidney specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 175  31
## [1] 175  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     167       8
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     163      12
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     160      15
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Liver specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec) 

X <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 565  31
## [1] 565  31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     542      23
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     521      44
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical     509      56
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)

Lung specific

heart_spec <- union(union(rownames(HvC_Liver_fit_all_5perc), rownames(HvC_Heart_fit_all_5perc)), rownames(HvC_Kidney_fit_all_5perc))

heart_spec_only <- setdiff(HvC_Lung_fit_all_5perc$genes, heart_spec_only) 
X <- c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)

  # Find which DE genes have methylation values associated with it
    human_chimp_heart <- exprs[,1] %in% heart_spec_only
  human_chimp_heart <- as.data.frame(human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in <- cbind(exprs, human_chimp_heart)
  counts_genes_in_cutoff <- subset(counts_genes_in, human_chimp_heart ==
 # counts_genes_in_cutoff <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,1:79]
  expression_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,2:32]
  methylation_values_only <- counts_genes_in_cutoff[,49:79]
## [1] 96 31
## [1] 96 31
Y <- expression_values_only[,17:31]
M <- methylation_values_only[,17:31]

check_values <- mediate.test.regressing(Y, X, M, RIN_subset)
fit <- vash(check_values$d_se,df=13, singlecomp = T, unimodal = "auto") 
plot(check_values$d_se, fit$sd.post)

fit_ash_normal <- ash(as.vector(check_values$d), fit$sd.post, mode = 0, mixcompdist = "normal")
## Due to absence of package REBayes, switching to EM algorithm
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.01)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      96
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.05)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      96
summary(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue < 0.1)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      96
hist(fit_ash_normal$result$svalue, breaks = 50)