
In the previous “Best set” analysis with tissue and species protected, we found that the following technical factors appeared in the best set for more than 2,400 of the 16,616 genes.

We have found confounders in the design (e.g. confounders with tissue and/or species). Now, we are looking to see if these confounders in the design are confounded with expression levels.

Exploratory Analysis

We want to see the distribution of expression values for the genes in which the best set contains one of the technical variables or not. Our original thought is that if the expression values for the genes in which the best set contains one of the technical variables are randomly distributed, then that is good and we probably won’t include it in the final model (used to determine DE genes). If the expression values for the genes in which the best set contains one of the technical variables are not randomly distributed, then we will consider including it in the final model when testing for DE genes.

# Load libraries 

## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     lowess

# Load the data (biological and technical factors)

Best_set_bio_tech_var <- read.delim("~/Reg_Evo_Primates/ashlar-trial/data/Best_set_bio_tech_var.txt")

t_Best_set_bio_tech_var <- t(Best_set_bio_tech_var)

## [1] 16616    28
# Load the data (expression counts data)

gene_counts_with_gc_correction <- read.delim("~/Reg_Evo_Primates/ashlar-trial/data/gc_cyclic_loess_random_var_gene_exp_counts")
# Find average expression for each gene

chimp_hearts <- c(1, 5, 9, 13)
chimp_kidneys <- c(2,6,10,14)
chimp_livers <- c(3,7,11,15)
chimp_lungs <- c(4,8,12,16)

human_hearts <- c(20,24,28)
human_kidneys <- c(17,21,25,29)
human_livers <- c(18,22,26,30)
human_lungs <- c(19,23,27,31)

rhesus_hearts <- c(32,36,40,44)
rhesus_kidneys <- c(33,37,41,45)
rhesus_livers <- c(34,38,42,46)
rhesus_lungs <- c(35,39,43,47)

# For chimp hearts
exp_chimp_hearts <-[ , chimp_hearts]))

# For chimp kidneys

exp_chimp_kidneys <-[ , chimp_kidneys]))

# For chimp livers

exp_chimp_livers <-[ , chimp_livers]))

# For chimp lungs

exp_chimp_lungs <-[ , chimp_lungs]))

# For human hearts
exp_human_hearts <-[ , human_hearts]))

# For human kidneys

exp_human_kidneys <-[ , human_kidneys]))

# For human livers

exp_human_livers <-[ , human_livers]))

# For human lungs

exp_human_lungs <-[ , human_lungs]))

# For rhesus hearts
exp_rhesus_hearts <-[ , rhesus_hearts]))

# For rhesus kidneys

exp_rhesus_kidneys <-[ , rhesus_kidneys]))

# For rhesus livers

exp_rhesus_livers <-[ , rhesus_livers]))

# For rhesus lungs

exp_rhesus_lungs <-[ , human_lungs]))

# Make the data frame

avg_exp_values <- cbind(exp_chimp_hearts, exp_chimp_kidneys, exp_chimp_livers, exp_chimp_lungs, exp_human_hearts, exp_human_kidneys, exp_human_livers, exp_human_lungs, exp_rhesus_hearts, exp_rhesus_kidneys, exp_rhesus_livers, exp_rhesus_lungs)

rownames(avg_exp_values) <- row.names(gene_counts_with_gc_correction)
colnames(avg_exp_values) <- c("CH", "CK", "CLi", "CLu", "HH", "HK", "HLi", "HLu", "RH", "RK", "RLi", "RLu")

##                       CH       CK       CLi      CLu       HH       HK
## ENSG00000000003 4.610868 6.396002  8.095469 5.391101 3.857809 6.931617
## ENSG00000000419 5.776325 5.204482  5.996511 5.432862 5.922276 5.660062
## ENSG00000000457 4.716621 5.185978  6.408613 5.111782 3.766371 4.320687
## ENSG00000000460 1.657578 1.692573  2.465693 2.189239 1.265669 2.309113
## ENSG00000000938 4.243727 3.971252  5.087452 7.650402 4.877109 3.562921
## ENSG00000000971 6.332304 5.125277 11.306291 6.282460 6.564142 5.757620
##                       HLi      HLu       RH       RK       RLi      RLu
## ENSG00000000003  6.880175 4.857195 4.563435 7.071678  8.146930 4.857195
## ENSG00000000419  5.990137 5.463117 5.407861 5.223920  5.697787 5.463117
## ENSG00000000457  4.911001 4.272097 4.385651 5.077154  5.341901 4.272097
## ENSG00000000460  3.631794 2.487244 1.584310 1.547638  1.358645 2.487244
## ENSG00000000938  5.807408 7.568003 2.465641 2.432226  3.957756 7.568003
## ENSG00000000971 10.279503 7.651720 5.203002 6.511264 11.790392 7.651720
# Add the 4 relevant technical variables

avg_exp_values_tech <- cbind(avg_exp_values, t_Best_set_bio_tech_var[,10], t_Best_set_bio_tech_var[,16], t_Best_set_bio_tech_var[,21], t_Best_set_bio_tech_var[,23], t_Best_set_bio_tech_var[,26])

colnames(avg_exp_values_tech) <- c("CH", "CK", "CLi", "CLu", "HH", "HK", "HLi", "HLu", "RH", "RK", "RLi", "RLu", "Extraction_3-23-12", "Mix_code_1000", "Perc_overlapping_junction", "Reads_mapped_on_ortho_exons", "RIN score")

# Check # of genes with technical variables
##                          CH                          CK 
##                    55484.39                    56037.61 
##                         CLi                         CLu 
##                    56485.17                    55182.71 
##                          HH                          HK 
##                    55231.61                    55509.20 
##                         HLi                         HLu 
##                    56193.66                    54984.79 
##                          RH                          RK 
##                    55485.42                    55221.47 
##                         RLi                         RLu 
##                    56196.48                    54984.79 
##          Extraction_3-23-12               Mix_code_1000 
##                     2511.00                     2522.00 
##   Perc_overlapping_junction Reads_mapped_on_ortho_exons 
##                     3434.00                     2425.00 
##                   RIN score 
##                     1158.00
# Put in a format ggplot2 likes

# All the tissue-species combinations

CH <-"CH", times = 16616))
CK <-"CK", times = 16616))
CLi <-"CLi", times = 16616))
CLu <-"CLu", times = 16616))

HH <-"HH", times = 16616))
HK <-"HK", times = 16616))
HLi <-"HLi", times = 16616))
HLu <-"HLu", times = 16616))

RH <-"RH", times = 16616))
RK <-"RK", times = 16616))
RLi <-"RLi", times = 16616))
RLu <-"RLu", times = 16616))

# Add expression and technical variables for each tissue-species combination

ggplot_avg_value_CH <- cbind(avg_exp_values_tech[,1], CH, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])
colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH) <- c("Avg_Expression", "Sample", "RNA_Extra", "Mix_1000", "Perc_overlap_junct", "Reads_mapped_orth_exon", "RIN_Score")

ggplot_avg_value_CK <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,2], CK, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CK) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_CLi <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,3], CLi, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CLi) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_CLu <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,4], CLu, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CLu) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_HH <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,5], HH, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_HH) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_HK <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,6], HK, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_HK) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_HLi <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,7], HLi, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_HLi) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_HLu <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,8], HLu, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_HLu) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_RH <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,9], RH, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_RH) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_RK <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,10], RK, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_RK) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_RLi <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,11], RLi, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_RLi) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

ggplot_avg_value_RLu <- cbind(avg_exp_values[,12], RLu, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17])

colnames(ggplot_avg_value_RLu) <- colnames(ggplot_avg_value_CH)

# Combine all of the data frames

ggplot_avg_value <- rbind(ggplot_avg_value_CH, ggplot_avg_value_CK, ggplot_avg_value_CLi, ggplot_avg_value_CLu, ggplot_avg_value_HH, ggplot_avg_value_HK, ggplot_avg_value_HLi, ggplot_avg_value_HLu, ggplot_avg_value_RH, ggplot_avg_value_RK, ggplot_avg_value_RLi, ggplot_avg_value_RLu)

# Make labels

labels_RNA_Extra <-$Sample, ggplot_avg_value$RNA_Extra, sep="_"))

colnames(labels_RNA_Extra) <- c("RNA_Extra_labels")

labels_Mix_1000 <-$Sample, ggplot_avg_value$Mix_1000, sep="_"))

colnames(labels_Mix_1000) <- c("Mix_labels")

labels_Perc_overlap_junct <-$Sample, ggplot_avg_value$Perc_overlap_junct, sep="_"))

colnames(labels_Perc_overlap_junct) <- c("Perc_overlap_junct_labels")

labels_Reads_mapped_orth_exon <-$Sample, ggplot_avg_value$Reads_mapped_orth_exon, sep="_"))

colnames(labels_Reads_mapped_orth_exon) <- c("Reads_mapped_orth_exon_labels")

labels_RIN_Score <-$Sample, ggplot_avg_value$RIN_Score, sep="_"))

colnames(labels_RIN_Score) <- c("RIN_Score_labels")

ggplot_avg_value_labels <- cbind(ggplot_avg_value, labels_RNA_Extra, labels_Mix_1000, labels_Perc_overlap_junct, labels_Reads_mapped_orth_exon, labels_RIN_Score)

# Make the plots

ggplot(ggplot_avg_value_labels, aes(factor(RNA_Extra_labels), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values including genes with and without RNA Extraction Date 3-23-12") + xlab("Tissue-species + whether or not tech. factor included")  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

ggplot(ggplot_avg_value_labels, aes(factor(Mix_labels), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values including genes with and without Master Mix Code 1000")  + xlab("Tissue-species + whether or not tech. factor included")  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

ggplot(ggplot_avg_value_labels, aes(factor(Perc_overlap_junct_labels), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values including genes with and without Perc. overlapping junctions") + xlab("Tissue-species + whether or not tech. factor included")  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

ggplot(ggplot_avg_value_labels, aes(factor(Reads_mapped_orth_exon_labels), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values including genes with and without Num. of reads mapped on orth. exons") + xlab("Tissue-species + whether or not tech. factor included")  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

ggplot(ggplot_avg_value_labels, aes(factor(RIN_Score_labels), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values including genes with and without RIN Score") + xlab("Tissue-species + whether or not tech. factor included") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

Determine if the technical factors are confounded with expression levels

We are going to determine if the averaged normalized expression values is the same or different for genes that have technical factor X included in the best set.

# Find the mean for all 47 samples
sample_means_per_gene <- rowMeans(gene_counts_with_gc_correction)

# Combine this with technical variables
exp_and_tech_var <-, avg_exp_values_tech[,13], avg_exp_values_tech[,14], avg_exp_values_tech[,15], avg_exp_values_tech[,16], avg_exp_values_tech[,17]))

colnames(exp_and_tech_var) <- c("Mean_all_samples", "Extraction_3_23_12", "Mix_code_1000", "Perc_overlapping_junction", "Reads_mapped_on_ortho_exons", "RIN_score")

## [1] 16616     6
# Find the quantiles of the means of all the samples

quantile(exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE, type = 7)
##        0%       25%       50%       75%      100% 
## -4.158937  1.329491  3.764888  5.471154 11.670442
Q0 = -4.158937
Q1 = 1.329491
Q2 = 3.764888
Q3 = 5.471154
Q4 = 11.670442 

Quantile analysis with RNA Extraction Date 3-21-16

# Find how many genes have 0 in the best set for RNA Extraction date 3-23-12 and which have 1 for each quantile

exp_RNA_extra_0_Q01 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q1 ), ]

## [1] 2966    6
exp_RNA_extra_0_Q12 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q2 ), ]

## [1] 3514    6
exp_RNA_extra_0_Q23 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q2 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q3 ), ]

## [1] 3759    6
exp_RNA_extra_0_Q34 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q3 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q4 ), ]

## [1] 3866    6
exp_RNA_extra_1_Q01 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q0 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q1 ), ]

## [1] 1188    6
exp_RNA_extra_1_Q12 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q2 ), ]

## [1] 640   6
exp_RNA_extra_1_Q23 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q2 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q3 ), ]

## [1] 395   6
exp_RNA_extra_1_Q34 <- exp_and_tech_var[which(exp_and_tech_var$Extraction_3_23_12 == 1 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples >= Q3 & exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples < Q4 ), ]

## [1] 288   6
# Make a table of the values

DF <- data.frame(RNA_Extra_date_in_best_set=c("Yes", "No", "Ratio"), Q1=c("1188", "2966", "0.401"), Q2=c("640", "3514", "0.182"), Q3=c("395", "3759", "0.110"), Q4=c("288", "3866", "0.074"))
RNA_Extra_date_in_best_set Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Yes 1188 640 395 288
No 2966 3514 3759 3866
Ratio 0.401 0.182 0.110 0.074

Quantile analysis with Mix Code 1000

## [1] 2873    6
## [1] 3583    6
## [1] 3771    6
## [1] 3867    6
## [1] 1281    6
## [1] 571   6
## [1] 383   6
## [1] 287   6
Mix_code_1000_in_best_set Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Yes 1281 571 383 287
No 2873 3583 3771 3867
Ratio 0.446 0.159 0.102 0.074

Quantile analysis with Percentage of reads overlapping a junction

## [1] 2912    6
## [1] 3160    6
## [1] 3445    6
## [1] 3665    6
## [1] 1242    6
## [1] 994   6
## [1] 709   6
## [1] 489   6
Perc_overlapping_junction_in_best_set Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Yes 1242 994 709 489
No 2912 3160 3445 3665
Ratio 0.427 0.315 0.206 0.133

Quantile analysis with Number of reads mapped on orthologous exons

## [1] 3062    6
## [1] 3499    6
## [1] 3731    6
## [1] 3899    6
## [1] 1092    6
## [1] 655   6
## [1] 423   6
## [1] 255   6
Perc_overlapping_junction_in_best_set Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Yes 1092 655 423 255
No 3062 3499 3731 3899
Ratio 0.357 0.187 0.113 0.065

Quantile analysis with RIN Score

## [1] 3573    6
## [1] 3845    6
## [1] 3958    6
## [1] 4082    6
## [1] 581   6
## [1] 309   6
## [1] 196   6
## [1] 72  6
RNA_RIN_Score_in_best_set Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Yes 581 309 196 72
No 3573 3845 3958 4082
Ratio 0.163 0.080 0.050 0.018

Is average expression level correlated with number of technical factors included in the best set for each gene?

# Find the number of technical variables in the best set for each gene

num_tech_var <-
##  rowSums(t_Best_set_bio_tech_var) - 7
##  Min.   : 0.00                       
##  1st Qu.: 0.00                       
##  Median : 1.00                       
##  Mean   : 1.68                       
##  3rd Qu.: 2.00                       
##  Max.   :12.00
# Combine the number of technical variables in the best set for each gene with the mean expression level for each gene (over all 47 samples)

avg_exp_num_tech_var <- cbind(num_tech_var, exp_and_tech_var$Mean_all_samples)
colnames(avg_exp_num_tech_var) <- c("Num_tech_var", "Avg_Expression")

# Plot the results

ggplot(avg_exp_num_tech_var, aes(factor(Num_tech_var), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over all inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values versus technical factors in the best set") + xlab("Number of technical factors included in the best set analysis")

# The following code produces the same graph as above but the jitter function plots the actual points. 

ggplot(avg_exp_num_tech_var, aes(factor(Num_tech_var), Avg_Expression)) +  geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter() + ylab("Normalized expression values (averaged over all inds.)") + labs(title = "Expression values versus technical factors in the best set") + xlab("Number of technical factors included in the best set analysis") 

Conclusions: The number of technical factors identified in the best set is inversely proportional to the normalized expression values. I believe that the additional technical factors in the model may help to capture some of the noise around the lowly expressed genes. I think it is possible that this problem may be exacerbated by a relatively lax filtering strategy. Therefore, in the next set of analysis, I adopt a more stringent filtering strategy to see how this impacts the relationship between number of technical factors in the best set and expression values.