The goal of this script is to find orthologous TSSs between humans and chimps.

How many genes have TSS annotations that are able to be Lifted over?

# Load library

Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.2.5
# Load data
# TSSs of 12K RNA-seq genes 
tss_11131_hg19ToPanTro3 <- read.delim("../data/tss_11131_hg19ToPanTro3.bed", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS <- read.delim("../data/refGene_hg19_TSS_11131.bed", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Load plotting function

bjp<- theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 2),
  plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
  axis.text.y =  element_text(size = 14,face = "bold",color = "black"),
  axis.text.x =  element_text(size = 14,face = "bold",color = "black"),
  axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  legend.text = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  legend.title = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  strip.text.y = element_text(size = 14,face = "bold"),
  strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", size = 2))
genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS_orthologous <-[,4], genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS[,4]))

# Humans

inshared_lists <- genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS[,4] %in% genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS_orthologous[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind( genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_human <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:6]

[1] 10511
[1] 21107     6
# Chimps

inshared_lists <- tss_11131_hg19ToPanTro3[,4] %in% genes_in_RNAseq_and_TSS_orthologous[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(tss_11131_hg19ToPanTro3, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_chimp <- counts_genes_in_cutoff_pre[,1:6]

[1] 10511
[1] 21107     6
# Intersect the two files

human_chimp <- merge(genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_human, genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_chimp, by = c("V4"))

sort.human <- plyr::arrange(genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_human, V5)
sort.chimp <- plyr::arrange(genes_in_RNAseq_TSS_orth_chimp, V5)

# Some have different MN numbers at the same site. Get rid of those

anno <- paste(as.character(human_chimp[,2]), human_chimp[,3], sep = ":")
human_chimp_rhesus_anno <- cbind(human_chimp, anno)
human_chimp_rhesus_anno <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
human_chimp_rhesus_anno_rm <- human_chimp_rhesus_anno[!duplicated(human_chimp_rhesus_anno$anno),]
[1] 10491
# Separate into human and chimps

human_anno <- human_chimp_rhesus_anno_rm[,1:6]

chimp_genes <- c(1, 7:11)

chimp_anno <- human_chimp_rhesus_anno_rm[,chimp_genes]

There are 10,491 unique genes. Some have multiple TSSs.

Find the RefSeq TSS annotation that is closest to the first orthologous exon from Ran’s file

Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.2.5

Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Warning: package 'plyr' was built under R version 3.2.5
You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
library(plyr); library(dplyr)

Attaching package: 'plyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':

    arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
ENSG_freq_table <- count(human_chimp_rhesus_anno_rm$V5.x)

solo_ENSG_freq_table <- ENSG_freq_table[which(ENSG_freq_table[,2] == 1), ]
[1] 8487
freq_mult_TSS <- ENSG_freq_table[which(ENSG_freq_table[,2] >= 2), ]

nrow(freq_mult_TSS[which(freq_mult_TSS[,2] == 2), ])
[1] 1419
nrow(freq_mult_TSS[which(freq_mult_TSS[,2] == 3), ])
[1] 397
nrow(freq_mult_TSS[which(freq_mult_TSS[,2] == 4), ])
[1] 127
nrow(freq_mult_TSS[which(freq_mult_TSS[,2] == 5), ])
[1] 28
nrow(freq_mult_TSS[which(freq_mult_TSS[,2] >= 6), ])
[1] 33

8487 genes have 1 TSS 1419 genes have 2 TSS 397 genes have 3 TSS 127 genes have 4 TSS 28 genes have 5 TSS 33 genes have >5 TSS

Get information for the genes with only 1 TSS that could be LiftedOver

# Get all meta exons
metaOrthoExonTrios <- read.delim("../data/metaOrthoExonTrios.", header=FALSE)

# For humans

solo_ENSG_freq_table <-[,1])

inshared_lists = human_anno$V5.x %in% solo_ENSG_freq_table[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(human_anno, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:6]

sort.human.multiple.TSS <- plyr::arrange(counts_genes_in_mult_TSS, V5.x)

# Find the 1st orthologous exon for each gene in humans

# Now, I want to remake this but with the value of exon #1

uniq_plus <- c(2,3,4,5,7,11,15,16)

# Make data frame for humans
non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names <-[,uniq_plus], incomparables = FALSE))

# Subset so you only have ortho exon #1 for humans

uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names[which(non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names$V3 == 1),]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,-2]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3] <- as.integer(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7])

colnames(uniq_ENSG_gene_names) <- c("ENSG", "chr", "First_exon_start_human", "H_strand", "C_strand", "R_strand", "Gene")

# Combine the TSS site with the first ortho exon

TSS_orth_exon_human = merge(sort.human.multiple.TSS, uniq_ENSG_gene_names, by.x = "V5.x", by.y = "Gene")
[1] 8487
# Take the difference between the TSS annotation and the first exon

diff_TSS_orth_exon_human <- abs(TSS_orth_exon_human$V2 - TSS_orth_exon_human$First_exon_start_human)

TSS_orth_exon_dist_human <- cbind(TSS_orth_exon_human, diff_TSS_orth_exon_human)

# Sort out the TSSs in this file that have multiple NMs for the same TSS

one_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human <- TSS_orth_exon_dist_human[!duplicated(TSS_orth_exon_dist_human$V2),]
[1] 8486
# Chimp

inshared_lists = chimp_anno$V5.y %in% solo_ENSG_freq_table[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(chimp_anno, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:6]

[1] 8487    6
[1] 8487
sort.chimp.multiple.TSS <- plyr::arrange(counts_genes_in_mult_TSS, V5.y)

# Find the 1st orthologous exon for each gene in humans

# Now, I want to remake this but with the value of exon #1

uniq_plus <- c(2,3,4,9,7,11,15,16)

# Make data frame for humans
non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names <-[,uniq_plus], incomparables = FALSE))

# Subset so you only have ortho exon #1 for humans

uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names[which(non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names$V3 == 1),]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,-2]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3] <- as.integer(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7])

colnames(uniq_ENSG_gene_names) <- c("ENSG", "chr", "First_exon_start_chimp", "H_strand", "C_strand", "R_strand", "Gene")

# Combine the TSS site with the first ortho exon

TSS_orth_exon_chimp = merge(sort.chimp.multiple.TSS, uniq_ENSG_gene_names, by.x = "V5.y", by.y = "Gene")
[1] 8487
# Take the difference between the TSS annotation and the first exon

diff_TSS_orth_exon_chimp <- abs(TSS_orth_exon_chimp$V2 - TSS_orth_exon_chimp$First_exon_start_chimp)

TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp <- cbind(TSS_orth_exon_chimp, diff_TSS_orth_exon_chimp)

# Sort out the TSSs in this file that have multiple NMs for the same TSS

one_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp <- TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp[!duplicated(TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp$V2),]

# Merge by NM
  # Human and chimp
human_chimp_one_TSS <- merge(one_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human, one_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp, by = c("V4"))

# Sort by alphabetical order

human_chimp_rhesus_one_TSS_sorted <- plyr::arrange(human_chimp_one_TSS, V5.x)

# Check if any have >1 entry/gene

check_more_entries <- count(human_chimp_rhesus_one_TSS_sorted$V5.x)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      1       1       1       1       1       1 

Find TSS closest to the first orthologous exon when more than 1 TSS for an orthologous gene

# Pull the gene names with multiple TSS
freq_mult_TSS <-[,1])
[1] 2004
### Distance from TSS to 1st exon in humans ###############################################################

inshared_lists = human_anno$V5.x %in% freq_mult_TSS[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(human_anno, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:6]

[1] 4904    6
[1] 2004
sort.human.multiple.TSS <- plyr::arrange(counts_genes_in_mult_TSS, V5.x)
[1] 4904
# Find the 1st orthologous exon for each gene in humans

# Now, I want to remake this but with the value of exon #1

uniq_plus <- c(2,3,4,5,7,11,15,16)

# Make data frame for humans
non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names <-[,uniq_plus], incomparables = FALSE))

# Subset so you only have ortho exon #1 for humans

uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names[which(non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names$V3 == 1),]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,-2]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3] <- as.integer(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7])

colnames(uniq_ENSG_gene_names) <- c("ENSG", "chr", "First_exon_start_human", "H_strand", "C_strand", "R_strand", "Gene")

# Combine the TSS site with the first ortho exon

TSS_orth_exon_human = merge(sort.human.multiple.TSS, uniq_ENSG_gene_names, by.x = "V5.x", by.y = "Gene")
[1] 4904
[1] 2004
# Take the difference between the TSS annotation and the first exon

diff_TSS_orth_exon_human <- abs(TSS_orth_exon_human$V2 - TSS_orth_exon_human$First_exon_start_human)

TSS_orth_exon_dist_human <- cbind(TSS_orth_exon_human, diff_TSS_orth_exon_human)

# Sort out the TSSs in this file that have multiple NMs for the same TSS

sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human <- TSS_orth_exon_dist_human[!duplicated(TSS_orth_exon_dist_human$V4),]
[1] 4902
### Distance from TSS to 1st exon in chimps ###############################################################

inshared_lists = chimp_anno$V5.y %in% freq_mult_TSS[,1]
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(chimp_anno, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:6]

[1] 4904    6
[1] 2004
sort.chimp.multiple.TSS <- plyr::arrange(counts_genes_in_mult_TSS, V5.y)

# Find the 1st orthologous exon for each gene in humans

# Now, I want to remake this but with the value of exon #1

uniq_plus <- c(2,3,4,9,7,11,15,16)

# Make data frame for humans
non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names <-[,uniq_plus], incomparables = FALSE))

# Subset so you only have ortho exon #1 for humans

uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names[which(non_uniq_ENSG_gene_names$V3 == 1),]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names <- uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,-2]
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,1])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,2])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3] <- as.integer(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,3])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,5])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,6])
uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7] <- as.character(uniq_ENSG_gene_names[,7])

colnames(uniq_ENSG_gene_names) <- c("ENSG", "chr", "First_exon_start_chimp", "H_strand", "C_strand", "R_strand", "Gene")

# Combine the TSS site with the first ortho exon

TSS_orth_exon_chimp = merge(sort.chimp.multiple.TSS, uniq_ENSG_gene_names, by.x = "V5.y", by.y = "Gene")
[1] 2004
# Take the difference between the TSS annotation and the first exon

diff_TSS_orth_exon_chimp <- abs(TSS_orth_exon_chimp$V2 - TSS_orth_exon_chimp$First_exon_start_chimp)

TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp <- cbind(TSS_orth_exon_chimp, diff_TSS_orth_exon_chimp)

# Sort out the TSSs in this file that have multiple NMs for the same TSS

sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp <- TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp[!duplicated(TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp$V4),]
[1] 4902
# Pick the TSS that minimizes the diff. bet the TSS and the first orthologous exon
  # For humans
get_min_set_TSS_human <- sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human[as.logical(ave(sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human$diff_TSS_orth_exon_human, sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_human$V5.x, FUN = function(x) x == min(x))),]

count_min_set_human <- count(get_min_set_TSS_human$V5.x)
       x             freq      
 AADAT  :   1   Min.   :1.000  
 AATK   :   1   1st Qu.:1.000  
 ABAT   :   1   Median :1.000  
 ABCA5  :   1   Mean   :1.001  
 ABCC10 :   1   3rd Qu.:1.000  
 ABCG1  :   1   Max.   :2.000  
human_genes_TSS <- count_min_set_human[which(count_min_set_human[,2] > 1), ]

 # For chimps
get_min_set_TSS_chimp <- sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp[as.logical(ave(sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp$diff_TSS_orth_exon_chimp, sort_TSS_orth_exon_dist_chimp$V5.y, FUN = function(x) x == min(x))),]

#chimp_genes_TSS <- count_min_set_chimp[which(count_min_set_chimp[,2] > 1), ]
chimp_genes_TSS <- get_min_set_TSS_chimp[which(get_min_set_TSS_chimp[,2] > 1), ]

# SGSM2 and SLC30A7 each have two TSSs remaining per species. Remove them. 

  # In humans
get_min_set_TSS_human <- get_min_set_TSS_human[!grepl("SGSM2", get_min_set_TSS_human$V5.x),]
get_min_set_TSS_human <- get_min_set_TSS_human[!grepl("SLC30A7", get_min_set_TSS_human$V5.x),]

count_min_set_human <- count(get_min_set_TSS_human$V5.x)
       x             freq  
 AADAT  :   1   Min.   :1  
 AATK   :   1   1st Qu.:1  
 ABAT   :   1   Median :1  
 ABCA5  :   1   Mean   :1  
 ABCC10 :   1   3rd Qu.:1  
 ABCG1  :   1   Max.   :1  
  # In chimps

get_min_set_TSS_chimp <- get_min_set_TSS_chimp[!grepl("SGSM2", get_min_set_TSS_chimp$V5.y),]
get_min_set_TSS_chimp <- get_min_set_TSS_chimp[!grepl("SLC30A7", get_min_set_TSS_chimp$V5.y),]

count_min_set_chimp <- count(get_min_set_TSS_chimp$V5.y)
       x             freq  
 AADAT  :   1   Min.   :1  
 AATK   :   1   1st Qu.:1  
 ABAT   :   1   Median :1  
 ABCA5  :   1   Mean   :1  
 ABCC10 :   1   3rd Qu.:1  
 ABCG1  :   1   Max.   :1  
# Merge by NM
  # Human and chimp
human_chimp_multi_TSS <- merge(get_min_set_TSS_human, get_min_set_TSS_chimp, by = c("V4"))

# Sort by alphabetical order

human_chimp_multi_TSS_sorted <- plyr::arrange(human_chimp_multi_TSS, V5.x)

# Make sure there is no overlap in the gene lists (one TSS and multiple TSSs)

any_overlap_genes <- intersect(human_chimp_rhesus_one_TSS_sorted[,2], human_chimp_multi_TSS_sorted[,2])
# Combine the two datasets

human_chimp_TSS <- rbind(human_chimp_rhesus_one_TSS_sorted, human_chimp_multi_TSS_sorted)
[1] 10454    25

We now have TSSs for 10,454 genes

Compare human and chimp distances

human_var <- c(1:7,9,13)
chimp_var <- c(1,14:19,21,25)

check_for_differences <- cbind(human_chimp_TSS[,human_var], human_chimp_TSS[,chimp_var])
[1] 10454    18
# Find the greatest difference

min_diff <- transform(check_for_differences, min = pmin(check_for_differences[,9], check_for_differences[,18]))
max_diff <- transform(min_diff, max = pmax(check_for_differences[,9], check_for_differences[,18]))

# Find the difference between min and max

biggest_difference <- abs(max_diff$max - max_diff$min)
select_genes <- cbind(max_diff, biggest_difference)

nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 100) , ])
[1] 5696
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 500) , ])
[1] 7349
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 1000) , ])
[1] 8364
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 2000) , ])
[1] 9230
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 2500) , ])
[1] 9493
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 3000) , ])
[1] 9661
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 5000) , ])
[1] 10060
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 10000) , ])
[1] 10295
nrow(select_genes[which(select_genes$biggest_difference <= 20000) , ])
[1] 10358

9493 genes within 2500 bp (2,000 more genes than in the human-chimp-rhesus comparison)

Number_of_TSS <- c("<100", "<500", "<1000", "<2000", "<2500", "<3000", "<5000", "<10000", "<20000")
Number_of_RefSeq_Genes <- c(5696, 7349, 8364, 9230, 9493, 9661, 10060, 10295, 10358)

TSS_RefSeq_Genes <-, Number_of_RefSeq_Genes), stringsAsFactors = F)
TSS_RefSeq_Genes$Number_of_RefSeq_Genes <- as.numeric(TSS_RefSeq_Genes$Number_of_RefSeq_Genes)
TSS_RefSeq_Genes$Number_of_TSS <- factor(TSS_RefSeq_Genes$Number_of_TSS, levels =  c("<100", "<500", "<1000", "<2000", "<2500", "<3000", "<5000", "<10000", "<20000"))
ggplot(TSS_RefSeq_Genes, aes(Number_of_TSS, Number_of_RefSeq_Genes)) + geom_point() + bjp  + ggtitle("Difference between each species' distance between TSS and 1st orthologous exon for each of the 10454 RefSeq Genes") + xlab("Difference between each species' distance between TSS and 1st orthologous exon") + ylab("Number of RefSeq Genes")

Filter by max. distance and take off X chromosome

# Take only genes that have max_dist < 2500 bp
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
        0         0        44    362800       685 169000000 
select_genes_2500 <- select_genes[which(biggest_difference <= 2500), ]
[1] 9493   21
# Take out any genes on the X chromosome

select_genes_2500_no_X <- select_genes_2500[which(select_genes_2500$V1.x != "chrX"), ]
[1] 9230   21
# Make select_genes_2500_no_X a file

#write.table(select_genes_2500_no_X,file="../data/chimp_human_select_genes_2500_no_X.txt",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

# Read table
#select_genes_2500_no_X <- read.delim("../data/chimp_human_select_genes_2500_no_X.txt", header = FALSE)

9230 genes

Obtain the TSS annotations for the 3 genomes

# Human TSS for 9,230 genes

make_bed_human <-[,3:6], select_genes_2500_no_X[,2], select_genes_2500_no_X[,7])

make_bed_human[,1] <- as.character(make_bed_human[,1])
make_bed_human[,2] <- as.integer(make_bed_human[,2])
make_bed_human[,3] <- as.integer(make_bed_human[,3])
make_bed_human[,4] <- as.character(make_bed_human[,4])
make_bed_human[,5] <- as.character(make_bed_human[,5])
make_bed_human[,6] <- as.character(make_bed_human[,6])

# Chimp TSS for 9,230 genes

make_bed_chimp <-[,12:15], select_genes_2500_no_X[,11], select_genes_2500_no_X[,16])

make_bed_chimp[,1] <- as.character(make_bed_chimp[,1])
make_bed_chimp[,2] <- as.integer(make_bed_chimp[,2])
make_bed_chimp[,3] <- as.integer(make_bed_chimp[,3])
make_bed_chimp[,4] <- as.character(make_bed_chimp[,4])
make_bed_chimp[,5] <- as.character(make_bed_chimp[,5])
make_bed_chimp[,6] <- as.character(make_bed_chimp[,6])

# How often does the strand of human and chimp match?

match_strand <- (make_bed_human[,4] == make_bed_chimp[,4])
   Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
logical     819    8411       0 
[1] 0.9112676
# Save the files
#write.table(make_bed_human, file="../data/chimp_human_refGene_hg19_TSS.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)
#write.table(make_bed_chimp,file="../data/chimp_human_refGene_PanTro3_TSS.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

~91% of human-chimp orthologous TSSs are on the same strand.

How many orthologous CpGs are within a 250bp window of the TSS?

# Load data (if needed)

# make_bed_human <- read.table("../data/chimp_human_refGene_hg19_TSS.bed")
# make_bed_chimp <- read.table("../data/chimp_human_refGene_PanTro3_TSS.bed")

# Load library

Warning: package 'bedr' was built under R version 3.2.5

#### bedr v1.0.3 ####

checking binary availability...
  * Checking path for bedtools... PASS
  * Checking path for bedops... FAIL
  * Checking path for tabix... FAIL
tests and examples will be skipped on R CMD check if binaries are missing
# Set length from TSS

TSS_upstream <- 250
TSS_downstream <- 250

make_orth_cpg_bounds <- function(make_bed_species){

# Separate into positive and negative strands
  make_bed_species_pos <- make_bed_species[which(make_bed_species[,4] == "+"), ]
  make_bed_species_neg <- make_bed_species[which(make_bed_species[,4] == "-"), ]

# Boundaries for positive strand

  make_bed_species_pos_lower <- make_bed_species_pos[,2] - TSS_upstream
  make_bed_species_pos_upper <- make_bed_species_pos[,2] + TSS_downstream 
  species_pos_bounds <-[,1], make_bed_species_pos_lower,  make_bed_species_pos_upper, make_bed_species_pos[,4:5], make_bed_species_pos[,6])
  colnames(species_pos_bounds) <- c("chr", "start", "end","strand", "gene", "ENSG")

# Boundaries for negative strand

  make_bed_species_neg_lower <- make_bed_species_neg[,2] + TSS_upstream
  make_bed_species_neg_upper <- make_bed_species_neg[,2] - TSS_downstream 
  species_neg_bounds <-[,1], make_bed_species_neg_upper, make_bed_species_neg_lower, make_bed_species_neg[,4:5], make_bed_species_neg[,6])
  colnames(species_neg_bounds) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "strand", "gene", "ENSG")

  species_bounds <- rbind(species_pos_bounds, species_neg_bounds)

human_orth_cpg_bounds <- make_orth_cpg_bounds(make_bed_human)
chimp_orth_cpg_bounds <- make_orth_cpg_bounds(make_bed_chimp)

# Put bounds in alphabetical order based on gene name

human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort <- plyr::arrange(human_orth_cpg_bounds, gene)
chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort <- plyr::arrange(chimp_orth_cpg_bounds, gene)

# Make sure the genes are the same
match_strand <- (human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,5] == chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,5])
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    9230       0 
human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,1] <- as.character(human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,1])
human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,2] <- as.integer(human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,2])    
human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,3] <- as.integer(human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,3])

human_250_interval <- bedr.sort.region(human_orth_cpg_bounds_sort, method = "lexicographical", check.chr = FALSE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
#write.table(human_250_interval, file="../data/chimp_human_250_9230_genes_interval_humans.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,1] <- as.character(chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,1])
chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,2] <- as.integer(chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,2])    
chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,3] <- as.integer(chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort[,3])

chimp_250_interval <- bedr.sort.region(chimp_orth_cpg_bounds_sort, method = "lexicographical", check.chr = FALSE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
#write.table(chimp_250_interval, file="../data/chimp_human_250_9230_genes_interval_chimps.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

Find the orthologous CpGs in each range

To get the human-chimp orthologous CpGs,

/mnt/lustre/home/jroux/bin/liftOver hg19_10mil_plus_one.bed /mnt/gluster/home/leblake/Methylation/liftover_real/hg19ToPanTro3.over.chain.gz hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_plus_one.bed hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_plus_one.unlifted.bed

# Open human-chimp orth CpGs

# Human data
hg19_10mil <- read.delim("../data/hg19_10mil_plus_one.bed", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# chimp data
hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil <- read.delim("../data/hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_plus_one.bed", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Use bedtools to find the intersection for humans

human_250_interval[,4] <- as.character(human_250_interval[,6])
sort_human_bounds <- bedr.sort.region(human_250_interval, check.chr = TRUE)
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
sort_human_bounds <- bedr.merge.region(sort_human_bounds)
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Processing input (1): i
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
   bedtools merge -i /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/i_45c594639cf.bed -d 0 -c 4 -o collapse
 * Collapsing 9230 --> 8815 regions... NOTE
cpg_hg19_10mil <- bedr.sort.region(hg19_10mil, check.chr = TRUE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input seems to be in bed format but chr/start/end column names are missing
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Overlapping regions can cause unexpected results. <- bedr(input = list(a = cpg_hg19_10mil, b = sort_human_bounds), method = "intersect", params = "-loj", check.chr=TRUE)
 * Processing input (1): a
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input seems to be in bed format but chr/start/end column names are missing
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
 * Processing input (2): b
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
   bedtools intersect -a /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/a_45c5e8847f1.bed -b /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/b_45c468fc3bc.bed -loj
#write.table(, file="../data/chimp_human_hg19_10mil_250_intersection.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F) <- 

# Find the intersection for chimps

chimp_250_interval[,4] <- as.character(chimp_250_interval[,6])

  # Need to get rid of the "interval"chr"
chimp_250_interval_check <- gsub("chr", "", chimp_250_interval[,1])
chimp_250_interval[,1] <- chimp_250_interval_check

# Now, we need check.chr = FALSE
sort_chimp_bounds <- bedr.sort.region(chimp_250_interval, check.chr = FALSE)
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
sort_chimp_bounds <- bedr.merge.region(sort_chimp_bounds, check.chr = FALSE)
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Processing input (1): i
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
   bedtools merge -i /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/i_45c8144dfc.bed -d 0 -c 4 -o collapse
 * Collapsing 9230 --> 8818 regions... NOTE
hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_check <- gsub("chr", "", hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil[,1])
hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil[,1] <- hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_check

hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_sort <- bedr.sort.region(hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil, check.chr = FALSE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input seems to be in bed format but chr/start/end column names are missing
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Overlapping regions can cause unexpected results. <- bedr(input = list(a = hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil_sort, b = sort_chimp_bounds), method = "intersect", params = "-loj", check.chr=FALSE)
 * Processing input (1): a
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input seems to be in bed format but chr/start/end column names are missing
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
 * Processing input (2): b
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
   bedtools intersect -a /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/a_45c5dd3c29.bed -b /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/b_45c2b0e217.bed -loj
#write.table(, file="../data/chimp_human_PanTro3_10mil_250_intersection.bed",sep="\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F) <-

Subset each of the species so that there is only genes with at least 2 CpGs

# Count the number of CpGs/gene <- count($names) # 7654 genes

# Now, we want to get only the ones with 2 CpGs <-[which($freq >= 2),] #7390 genes

# Count the number of CpGs/gene <- count($names) # 7639 genes

# Now, we want to get only the ones with 2 CpGs <-[which($freq >= 2),] #7374 genes

# Get the genes that we have 2 cpgs for

gene_two_cpgs_species <- intersect([,1],[,1])
gene_two_cpgs_species <- gene_two_cpgs_species[-1]

length(gene_two_cpgs_species) # 7352 genes
[1] 7352

Find the CpGs for the genes with at least 2 orthologous CpGs in it (not necessarily the same CpGs, we will take care of this in the next step)

# Humans
inshared_lists =$names %in% gene_two_cpgs_species
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:10]
[1] 7352
# Chimps
inshared_lists =$names %in% gene_two_cpgs_species
inshared_lists_data <-
counts_genes_in <- cbind(, inshared_lists_data)
counts_genes_in_mult_TSS <- subset(counts_genes_in, inshared_lists_data == "TRUE")
chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs <- counts_genes_in_mult_TSS[,1:10]
[1] 7352

For each gene, find the endpoints (same orthologous CpGs) for each of the genes

# Add chr:start position to each dataframe 

# Human int
new_human_cpgs <- paste(human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[,1], sep = ":", human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[,2])
#new_human_cpgs <- paste("chr", new_human_cpgs, sep = "")
human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs <- cbind(human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs, new_human_cpgs)

# Chimp int
new_chimp_cpgs <- paste(chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[,1], sep = ":", chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[,2])
new_chimp_cpgs <- paste("chr", new_chimp_cpgs, sep = "")
chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs <- cbind(chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs, new_chimp_cpgs)

# All Human data
hg19_10mil_cpg <- paste(hg19_10mil[,1], sep = ":", hg19_10mil[,2])

# All chimp data
Pantro3_10mil_cpg <- paste(hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil[,1], sep = ":", hg19_to_Pantro3_10mil[,2])
Pantro3_10mil_cpg <- paste("chr", Pantro3_10mil_cpg, sep = "" )

# Combine all human and chimp cpgs

two_genomes_dfCovnoX <- cbind(hg19_10mil_cpg, Pantro3_10mil_cpg)

# Merge human CpGs and chimp Cpgs

chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs_with_human <- merge(chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs, two_genomes_dfCovnoX, by.x = c("new_chimp_cpgs"), by.y = c("Pantro3_10mil_cpg"))

human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs <- merge(chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs_with_human, human.cpg.intersect_2cpgs, by.x = c("hg19_10mil_cpg"), by.y = c("new_human_cpgs"))

[1] 98645    22
length(unique(human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$names.x)) # still 7352 genes
[1] 7352
# match(human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$names.x == human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$names.y)

# Grab the first CpG for each gene
val_first_gene <- human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[as.logical(ave(human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$V2.x, human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$names.x, FUN = function(x) x == min(x))),]

# Grab the last CpG for each gene
val_last_gene <- human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs[as.logical(ave(human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$V2.x, human_chimp.cpg.intersect_2cpgs$names.x, FUN = function(x) x == max(x))),]

# Make sure that you are pulling them for the same genes
summary(val_first_gene[,12] == val_first_gene[,22])
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    7352       0 
summary(val_last_gene[,12] == val_last_gene[,22])
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    7352       0 
summary(val_first_gene[,12] == val_last_gene[,12])
   Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
logical      32    7320       0 
val_first_last_gene <- merge(val_first_gene, val_last_gene, by = c("names.x"))

# Separate back into first and last

val_first_gene_sort <- arrange(val_first_gene, val_first_gene$names.x)
val_last_gene_sort <- arrange(val_last_gene, val_last_gene$names.x)

summary(val_first_gene_sort[,12] == val_last_gene_sort[,12])
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    7352       0 
summary(val_first_gene_sort[,4] < val_last_gene_sort[,4])
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    7352       0 
# Check to make sure no X or Y chromosome

check_chr_val_first_gene_sort  <- as.factor(val_first_gene_sort[,13])

Make species specific bedfiles of CpGs that we need to pull

# Humans
humans_250 <-$V1.y, as.numeric(val_first_gene_sort$V2.y), as.numeric(val_last_gene_sort$V3.y), as.character(val_first_gene_sort$names.y)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
humans_250[,2] <- as.integer(humans_250[,2])
humans_250[,3] <- as.integer(humans_250[,3])
colnames(humans_250) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "gene")
[1] 7352    4
bed_pos_human <- bedr.sort.region(humans_250, method = "lexicographical", check.chr = TRUE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Overlapping regions can cause unexpected results.
# Chimps
chimps_250 <-$V1.x, as.numeric(val_first_gene_sort$V2.x), as.numeric(val_last_gene_sort$V3.x), as.character(val_first_gene_sort$names.x)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
chimps_250[,2] <- as.integer(chimps_250[,2])
chimps_250[,3] <- as.integer(chimps_250[,3])
colnames(chimps_250) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "gene")
[1] 7352    4
bed_pos_chimp <- bedr.sort.region(chimps_250, method = "lexicographical", check.chr = FALSE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Overlapping regions can cause unexpected results.

Run liftover with the correct endpoints

human_int_250 <- bedr(input = list(a = hg19_10mil, b = bed_pos_human), method = "intersect", params = "-wao")
 * Processing input (1): a
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input seems to be in bed format but chr/start/end column names are missing
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
 * Processing input (2): b
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
   bedtools intersect -a /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/a_45c1cfc41d5.bed -b /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/b_45c1338b2b7.bed -wao
show <- human_int_250[,8] != -1
matrix_grab <- which(show == TRUE)

matrix_grab_genes <- human_int_250[matrix_grab,]

matrix_grab_250 <-, matrix_grab_genes[,1:3], matrix_grab_genes[,10]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

[1] 7352
#write.table(matrix_grab_250, "../data/chimp_human_250_matrix_grab_250_merged.txt", quote = FALSE)

Take the average methylation level over each gene and run PCA

# Read in the data

methyl_250_2cpgs <- read.csv("../data/chimp_human_orth_tab_98k_with_genes.txt", sep="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
methyl_250_2cpgs <- methyl_250_2cpgs[,6:38]

# Average over all orthologous CpGs

avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene <- array(data = NA, dim = c(7352,32))

for (i in 2:33){
avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,i-1] <- aggregate(methyl_250_2cpgs[,i] ~ methyl_250_2cpgs[,1], data = methyl_250_2cpgs, mean)[,2]

colnames(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene) <- colnames(methyl_250_2cpgs[,2:33])

# Get the gene names

gene_names <- array(data = NA, dim = c(7352,1))

for (i in 2){
gene_names[,i-1] <- aggregate(methyl_250_2cpgs[,i] ~ methyl_250_2cpgs[,1], data = methyl_250_2cpgs, mean)[,1]

# Make file with average values and gene names

matrix_methyl <- cbind(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene, gene_names)
#write.table(matrix_methyl, "../data/chimp_human_orth_7352_avg_methyl_per_ts_gene.txt")

# PCA with just the humans and chimps

pca_genes <- prcomp(t(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene), scale = T, center = T)
scores <- pca_genes$x

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)
summary <- summary(pca_genes)

Warning: package 'gplots' was built under R version 3.2.4

Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

samples <- read.csv("../data/Sample_info_RNAseq.csv")

tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]

# Load colors 

colors <- colorRampPalette(c(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[1],brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[9]))(100)
pal <- c(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"), brewer.pal(8, "Set2"), brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))

# Make PCA

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp  + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)"))

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc3, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp + xlab(paste("PC3 (",(summary$importance[2,3]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)"))

# Bryan's code for clustering 

Warning: package 'dendextend' was built under R version 3.2.5
Warning: replacing previous import by 'magrittr::%>%' when loading

Welcome to dendextend version 1.5.2
Type citation('dendextend') for how to cite the package.

Type browseVignettes(package = 'dendextend') for the package vignette.
The github page is:

Suggestions and bug-reports can be submitted at:
Or contact: <>

    To suppress this message use:  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dendextend))

Attaching package: 'dendextend'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

Warning: package 'colorspace' was built under R version 3.2.5
Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.2.5
Loading tidyverse: tibble
Loading tidyverse: tidyr
Loading tidyverse: readr
Loading tidyverse: purrr
Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 3.2.5
Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.2.5
Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 3.2.5
Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.2.5
Conflicts with tidy packages ----------------------------------------------
arrange():   dplyr, plyr
compact():   purrr, plyr
count():     dplyr, plyr
failwith():  dplyr, plyr
filter():    dplyr, stats
id():        dplyr, plyr
lag():       dplyr, stats
mutate():    dplyr, plyr
rename():    dplyr, plyr
summarise(): dplyr, plyr
summarize(): dplyr, plyr
#Function to make pearson correlation matrix and convert into distance matrix
pearson <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    res <- as.dist(1 - cor(x, method = "pearson", use = "everything"))
    res <- as.dist(res)
    attr(res, "method") <- "pearson"


hc <- avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,1:32] %>% pearson %>% hclust(method="average")
dend <- hc %>% as.dendrogram 

heatmap.2(all_data, scale="none", col = colors, margins = c(5, 5), trace='none', denscol="white", Colv=dend,Rowv=dend, ColSideColors=pal[as.integer(as.factor(species))], RowSideColors=pal[as.integer(as.factor(tissue))+9])

Find the average size of the region

# PCA with just the humans and chimps

lungs <- c(4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32)

pca_genes <- prcomp(t(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,-(lungs)]), scale = T, center = T)
scores <- pca_genes$x

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)
summary <- summary(pca_genes)

tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
tissue_no_lungs <- tissue[-lungs]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]
species_no_lungs <- species[-lungs]

# Make PCA

cbPalette <- c("black", "red", "blue")

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue_no_lungs, shape=species_no_lungs, size=2)) + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)")) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue_no_lungs))) + bjp +  scale_colour_manual(values=cbPalette) + scale_shape_manual(values=c(17, 15))

PCA with the 10 million orthologous CpG sites between humans and chimps

# Load data (PCA)
pcs_10mil <- read.csv("../data/pcs_10mil.txt", sep="")

# Load libraries

# Load sample information 
samples <- read.csv("../data/Sample_info_RNAseq.csv")
tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]

# Run PCA
pc1 <- pcs_10mil[,1]
pc2 <- pcs_10mil[,2]
pc3 <- pcs_10mil[,3]
pc4 <- pcs_10mil[,4]
pc5 <- pcs_10mil[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc2, y=pc3, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue)))

Repeat but with the gene regions separated

methyl_250_2cpgs <- read.csv("../data/chimp_human_orth_tab_98k_with_genes.txt", sep="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Take out the genes on the X chromosome

methyl_250_2cpgs <- methyl_250_2cpgs[!grepl("chrX", methyl_250_2cpgs$V2),]

# Grab CpGs with 1 gene

one_gene_region <- methyl_250_2cpgs[!grepl(",", methyl_250_2cpgs[,6]),]

one_gene_regions_count <- count(one_gene_region[,6])
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   2.00    6.00   12.00   12.86   18.00   42.00 
# Grab CpGs with 2 genes

two_gene_regions <- methyl_250_2cpgs[grepl(",", methyl_250_2cpgs[,6]),]

bed_two_gene_regions <- two_gene_regions[,3:5]
colnames(bed_two_gene_regions) <- c("chr", "start", "end")
bed_two_gene_regions <- bedr.sort.region(bed_two_gene_regions, check.chr = TRUE)
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Overlapping regions can cause unexpected results.
# Try to intersect 

sort_human_bounds <- bedr.sort.region(human_250_interval, check.chr = TRUE)
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS <- bedr(input = list(a = bed_two_gene_regions, b = sort_human_bounds), method = "intersect", params = "-wao", check.chr=TRUE)
 * Processing input (1): a
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... PASS
 * Processing input (2): b
 * Checking input type... PASS
   Input is in bed format
 * Check if index is a string... PASS
 * Check index pattern... PASS
 * Check for missing values... PASS
 * Check for larger start position... PASS.
 * Check if zero based... PASS
 * Checking sort order... PASS
 * Checking for overlapping 'contiguous' regions... FAIL
   The input for object has overlapping features!
   This can cause unexpected results for some set operations.
   i.e. x <- bedr.merge.region(x)
   bedtools intersect -a /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/a_45c1b69fbb4.bed -b /var/folders/rf/qrcw6ncj05z1pc_pq9xzw3540000gn/T//RtmpNelh0F/b_45c74561ee5.bed -wao
two_gene_regions_merge <- merge(, methyl_250_2cpgs, by.x = c("start"), by.y = c("V3"))

clean_up <- c(9, 16:47)
two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg <- two_gene_regions_merge[,clean_up]
two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg <-
two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_sort <- arrange(two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg, two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg$ENSG)

[1] 752
two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_count <- count(two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg$ENSG)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1.00   12.00   19.00   18.45   24.00   41.00 
two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_count_sort <- arrange(two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_count, two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_count$freq)

# Take out the two genes (PLAGL2 and SIRT3, ENSG00000126003 and ENSG00000142082) with only 1 CpG/gene

two_gene_regions <- two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_sort[!grepl("ENSG00000126003", two_gene_regions_merge_to_avg_sort$ENSG),]
two_gene_regions_two_cpgs <- two_gene_regions[!grepl("ENSG00000142082", two_gene_regions$ENSG),]

# Find the number of genes
[1] 6975
[1] 750
one_gene_region_methyl <- one_gene_region[,6:38]
colnames(one_gene_region_methyl) <- colnames(two_gene_regions_two_cpgs)

all_genes_methyl <- rbind(one_gene_region_methyl, two_gene_regions_two_cpgs)
[1] 7725

Take the average methylation level over each gene and run PCA

# Rename so you can reuse code

methyl_250_2cpgs <- all_genes_methyl

# Average over all orthologous CpGs

avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene <- array(data = NA, dim = c(7725,32))

for (i in 2:33){
avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,i-1] <- aggregate(methyl_250_2cpgs[,i] ~ methyl_250_2cpgs[,1], data = methyl_250_2cpgs, mean)[,2]

colnames(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene) <- colnames(methyl_250_2cpgs[,2:33])

# Get the gene names

gene_names <- array(data = NA, dim = c(7725,1))

for (i in 2){
gene_names[,i-1] <- aggregate(methyl_250_2cpgs[,i] ~ methyl_250_2cpgs[,1], data = methyl_250_2cpgs, mean)[,1]

# Make file with average values and gene names

matrix_methyl <- cbind(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene, gene_names)
#write.table(matrix_methyl, "../data/chimp_human_orth_7725_avg_methyl_per_ts_gene.txt")

# PCA with just the humans and chimps

pca_genes <- prcomp(t(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene), scale = T)
scores <- pca_genes$x

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)
summary <- summary(pca_genes)

samples <- read.csv("../data/Sample_info_RNAseq.csv")

tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]

# Load colors 

colors <- colorRampPalette(c(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[1],brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[9]))(100)
pal <- c(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"), brewer.pal(8, "Set2"), brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))

# Make PCA

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp  + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)"))

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc3, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp + xlab(paste("PC3 (",(summary$importance[2,3]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)"))

# Bryan's code for clustering 


#Function to make pearson correlation matrix and convert into distance matrix
pearson <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    res <- as.dist(1 - cor(x, method = "pearson", use = "everything"))
    res <- as.dist(res)
    attr(res, "method") <- "pearson"


hc <- avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,1:32] %>% pearson %>% hclust(method="average")
dend <- hc %>% as.dendrogram 

heatmap.2(all_data, scale="none", col = colors, margins = c(5, 5), trace='none', denscol="white", Colv=dend,Rowv=dend, ColSideColors=pal[as.integer(as.factor(species))], RowSideColors=pal[as.integer(as.factor(tissue))+9])

Find the average size of the region

# PCA with just the humans and chimps

lungs <- c(4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32)

pca_genes <- prcomp(t(avg_methylation_multiple_cpgs_per_gene[,-(lungs)]), scale = T, center = T)
scores <- pca_genes$x

matrixpca <- pca_genes$x
pc1 <- matrixpca[,1]
pc2 <- matrixpca[,2]
pc3 <- matrixpca[,3]
pc4 <- matrixpca[,4]
pc5 <- matrixpca[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)
summary <- summary(pca_genes)

tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
tissue_no_lungs <- tissue[-lungs]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]
species_no_lungs <- species[-lungs]

# Make PCA

cbPalette <- c("black", "red", "blue")

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue_no_lungs, shape=species_no_lungs, size=2)) + xlab(paste("PC1 (",(summary$importance[2,1]*100), "% of variance)")) + ylab(paste("PC2 (",(summary$importance[2,2]*100), "% of variance)")) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue_no_lungs))) + bjp +  scale_colour_manual(values=cbPalette) + scale_shape_manual(values=c(17, 15))

PCA with the 10 million orthologous CpG sites between humans and chimps

# Load data (PCA)
pcs_10mil <- read.csv("../data/pcs_10mil.txt", sep="")

# Load libraries

# Load sample information 
samples <- read.csv("../data/Sample_info_RNAseq.csv")
tissue <- samples$Tissue[1:32]
species <- samples$Species[1:32]

# Run PCA
pc1 <- pcs_10mil[,1]
pc2 <- pcs_10mil[,2]
pc3 <- pcs_10mil[,3]
pc4 <- pcs_10mil[,4]
pc5 <- pcs_10mil[,5]

pcs <- data.frame(pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5)

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc1, y=pc2, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue))) + bjp

ggplot(data=pcs, aes(x=pc2, y=pc3, color=tissue, shape=species, size=2)) + geom_point(aes(colour = as.factor(tissue)))